
法律 時間:06/21/2010 瀏覽: 1801
長期擔任台灣僑社社團和公司法律顧問的胡維剛律師,日前舉行「美國實用法規FAQs(Frequently Ask Questions)」新書發表簽書會,書中暢談執業20餘年民眾常詢問的法律問題,希望以論述和問答方式,寫成的法律工具書可以為民眾釋疑解惑,省下一 些法律諮詢和訴訟的費用。全書包括投資經商、夫妻財產信託和消費者保護等內容,都是民眾生活上常見的問題。

台灣東吳大學法律系畢業, 在密西根大學和南美以美大學取得法學碩士(LL.M)和法學博士 (J.D.)後,曾在當時美國最大的通用汽車和財富雜誌排名前百大的公司服務各五年,1985年起在洛杉磯執業迄今。

胡維剛 表示,這本書集結他執業20餘年實務上常見的問題,大至公司契約糾紛家庭財產分配,小至可否摘取鄰居院內長到自家庭院的果實,都有詳盡的說明。由於法律時 有更新變動,本書的目的是提醒民眾注意這些常見的法律糾紛,以免因小失大。

胡維剛強調,法律問題複雜,寫書是教導法律知識入 門和提醒常見問題,很多人以為自己懂英文就不需要律師,或是某個場合問問律師就以為足夠,其實法律問題不是三兩句話可以解決,沒有全盤的了解,就像醫生沒 有掌握病患狀況,很容易產生誤解。

資料來源: worldjournal

A book regarding the practical law terms written by Attorney Hu, Weigang is about to publish

Hu, Weigang as the legal counsel Attorney of the overseas Taiwanese community and corporate, recently held a press conference for his new book release, named "United States Practical Laws FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)". This book talks about the topics and questions that people in the past 20 years usually have concerns on regarding the practical law terms. It is organized in the written forms to clear up doubts in order for you to save some legal advices and litigation costs. The book includes operation business and investment, property affiance and consumer protection, etc. which are all about the common practical law questions that people may have in their daily life.

Graduated from the school of law at Taiwan's Soochow University, Hu, Weigang was granted the Master of Laws (LL.M) and Doctor of Law (JD) at University of Michigan and Southern Methodist University. He used to work at the General Motors which was the largest automobile company in the United States at that time and another major Fortune top 100 companies for five years. He operated his law office since 1985 till now in L.A.

Hu, Weigang said that the book collects more than 20 years of his practical experience on common law problems. The book also collects all kinds of law cases, for example, contractual disputes in the family property or distribution companies. As the law terms keep updating from time to time, the book's purpose is to remind the public attention to these common legal disputes, so as not to lose the greater.

Hu, Weigang emphasized that since most law cases are very complicated, this book is to provide the basic knowledge of law terms and help find the common law issues. Many people wrongly think they speaks English and do not need attorneys. In fact, the legal issue can not be solved with some simply words. Without comprehensive understanding patient’s symptom, it is easy for doctors to misunderstand patients’ actual situation.

Book distribution is by the Department of World Journal. For details of inquiries, please call 323-261-6972.

Source: worldjournal


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