新聯華假期6月底前報名繳費者 贈送50元禮券

旅遊 時間:06/21/2010 瀏覽: 2362

除 了洛磯山脈深度遊外,特開8月10日出發的「阿拉斯加豪華遊輪冰河之旅加洛磯山脈遊」,12天行程,包全程機票、船票、稅金和團費,此唯一特價團1888 元,報名要早。

該團首日先飛抵西雅圖後,即展開近四天洛磯山脈之旅,包括進入希望鎮、科隆納、灰熊、冰河、班芙、優鶴等國家 公園、路易絲湖區,以及哥倫比亞大冰原、黃金城、甘露市等。

在第五天回到溫哥華做市區觀光後,下午登上公主號遊輪,展開一周 的歡樂海上遊,途經阿拉斯加州「科奇坎」,之後到阿拉斯加首府朱諾;再駛往舉世聞名的阿拉斯加「冰河灣」以最近的距離觀賞飛馳冰河的全貌。遊輪最後將抵達 阿拉斯加灣北方,觀賞冰河和野生動物最熱門的威廉王子灣學院府冰河,大型遊輪在這裡可以近距離觀賞壯觀的「冰崩」奇景。

新聯 華假期於8月10日出發的台灣超級豪華七天遊,暢遊石門水庫、兩蔣文化區、鶯歌陶瓷老街、關子嶺泥漿溫泉Spa、墾丁公園、台中日月潭、高雄愛河等,費用 1599元包機票、稅金、五星住宿、餐費及門票。

新聯華假期執行長Ronnie曾強調,台灣七天團全程收費1599元,已幾 近目前往返亞洲的來回機票價,因該公司向來早於半年甚至一年前就做好預訂工作。

新聯華假期地址9368 Valley Blvd., #103, Rosemead,電話626-618-0918,羅蘭岡公司1709 S. Nogales St.,#206, Rowland Heights,電話626-810-8338。

資料來源: worldjournal

Lotus Group: Those who apply by the end of June and make the payment will be donated $50 gift certificate.

Canadian Rockies tour is a hot travel line. Lotus Group arranges some good tours during high-density days before September. There are very good options for tourists. Those who apply for the Canadian Rockies tour by the end of June and make the payment will be donated $50 gift certificate.

In addition to the Rocky Mountains travel tour, another special tour will departure on August 10 to the "Alaska Cruise Tour + Rocky Mountains Ice Tour", which is a 12-day trip, including all the air tickets, cruise ticket, taxes and tour fee. This unique special tour is now only $1888. Please register as early as you can.

The tour will arrive in Seattle on the first day, which is a start of nearly a four-day trip to the Rocky Mountains, including the access to Colonna, Memphis, Glacier, Banff, Yoho National Parks, Lake Louise and the Columbia large ice sheets, gold city, Kamloops, etc.

Back to Vancouver on the fifth day, these is a city tour in the afternoon, boarding the Princess Cruise Lines. The cruise takes you to the world-famous Alaska "Glacier Bay" viewing distance to the nearest whole picture speeding glacier. Finally, the Gulf of Alaska cruise ship arrived in the north, viewing glaciers and wildlife. On the large cruise ship, you can watch the spectacular "Bingbeng" spectacle.

Lotus Group also provides the super deluxe seven-day tour of Taiwan on August 10. The cost of $1599 includes air ticket, taxes, five-star accommodation, meals and other tickets fee.

Chief executive of the Lotus Group Ronnie emphasized that the charge of seven-day Taiwan Tour $1,599 is very close to the current round-trip air fare to Taiwan, because the company prepared booking arrangement in very advance.

Address: 9368 Valley Blvd., # 103, Rosemead, telephone 626-618-0918

1709 S. Nogales St., # 206, Rowland Heights, call 626-810-8338.

Source: worldjournal


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