
生活 時間:01/09/2015 瀏覽: 1818

Students from the Young Business Entrepreneurs Society attended Miss Tina’s social etiquette workshop. All the students learned tips on how to dress for success and got the opportunity to practice and use proper communication skills.

Everyone learned a lot, but also had a lot of fun! Look at all the smiles when Miss Tina teaches!

施雅婷老師受青年企業家俱樂部之邀, 做了一場社交禮儀的講座.

專業的穿著、正確的溝通密碼、儀態及形象的塑造, 現場的答問互動, 讓每位學員在愉快中學習. 為在這一連串的假日晏會裡, 有了最好的表現, 成為萬衆瞩目的焦點.


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