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New Year’s Resolutions
Here we go again. Another New Year approaches and we start thinking about things we will resolve to do differently in this New Year. It is estimated that 40-45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions but less than half of those have kept that resolution after 6 months. Here are three strategies to make your resolutions into your habits.
1. Focus on your goal. You are making a commitment. A resolution is not wishful thinking, but an active commitment to change.
2. Keep track of what you’re doing. Write down the activities or strategies you are using to accomplish your goal. Successful weight reduction is more likely when food and exercise journals are kept.
3. Think of change as a creative process. Take time to reflect on your progress. What’s working? What’s not working and why?
Welcome to share your new year's resolution to us and we'll help to remind you throughout the year. You can email to hazel@smarteater.net
新一年來臨,據估 計,約有40-45%的美國人會在新的一年訂立新的目標,但少於半數的人在半年後仍然繼續執行。以下有3個策略,讓你能更 容易實踐你的新目標:
1. 專注於自己的目標。訂立目 標就是對自己作出承諾,這目標並不只是你”希望”會發生的目標,而是要你積極地為這目標而作出改變。
2. 省察自己所做的事。記錄讓 你能達成目標的活動和策略。成功的減重方法之一就是每天記錄你的食物和運動。
3. 將改變習慣變成有創意的過 程。花點時間去思考自己的進展。什麼是有效的,什麼是沒什麼效用的,以及為什麼?
歡迎你把你的新年目標電郵至hazel@smarteater.net。 我們會跟你並肩作戰,在適當的時候對你作出提醒。