
生活 時間:02/08/2011 瀏覽: 300
新年期間有不少精緻 及傳統的節日美食吸引我們的食慾。要在中國新年時節的飲食上輕鬆過關就要稍作籌謀了。以下有8個小秘訣,助你能在新春期間也能維持健 康:

* 從全盒內挑選些低脂 ﹑低糖和低鹽的健康小吃﹐例如果乾﹐杏脯﹐無鹽果子等

* 控制份量: 品嚐不同款式的菜,可是不要太過開懷大吃 ,過量的品嚐會失去控制﹐每款淺嚐一口就足夠了。

* 改良煮食方式: 預備豐富佳餚的時候,不妨試用比較低油低脂的煮食方式﹐例如蒸或烤焗。

* 拉上補下: 吃了一頓豐富的佳餚,下一餐就要以清淡的食物為主來讓腸胃休息,以 “ 取 ” 和 “ 捨 ” 來達到吸收不過量的目標。

* 多吃高纖維食物: 菜餚內多放蔬菜﹐用膳時多吃蔬菜。蔬菜纖維成份高﹐不但容易有飽足感﹐對大腸也有清掃的作用。

* 避免吃得太多: 盡量少吃肉食﹐多喝水。多吃水果也能幫助避免吃得過飽。

* 只吃七分飽: 七分飽應該是每一餐的標準。

* 不要吸收超過 100 卡路里 - 要減重的朋友要緊記每天小吃的攝取量不要超過 100 卡路里。

Healthy Eating Tips for Lunar New Year

With all the festive foods around, how do we stay controlled and still be a healthy-eater? Here are 8 helpful tips (8 is always a lucky number and it symbolizes wealth):

* Look for healthy alternatives: replace some of the high fat and sugary (empty calorie) items from your “Tray of Togetherness” with some healthy snacks choices such as: rice crackers, dried fruits such as apricots, wolfberries, cranberries, dates, blueberries; UNSALTED nuts such as almonds, walnuts etc which will provide more fiber, calcium, DHA.

* Portion Control: since dried fruits still are concentrated in sugar and all nuts and seeds are high in fat, for those who have high blood sugar and needs to control their weight, portion control is utmost important. For example, limit yourself to only one to two tablespoon of melon seeds or nuts a day.

* Modify food preparations: when preparing the turnip cake, try to replace the traditional preserved meat and sausage with Chinese mushroom, dried scallops and dried baby shrimps to lower the saturated fat content. Try steaming the turnip cake instead of pan-frying. For “neen gow”, use microwave to first warm it up and then use non-stick pan to panfry with just 1 teaspoon of oil. Baking is also a good option.

* Compensation: when eating the sticky rice cakes and turnip cakes in between meals as snacks, try to reduce the portions of grains and oilintake in the next meal.

* Go for high Fiber foods: use more high fiber ingredients in the meaty dishes. Ingredients like black fungus, different types of mushrooms, and vegetables. Always start with vegetables.

* Drink lots of liquid: before a big festive meal, always drink enough water, and try to have a fruit before you go to avoid overeating at the meal. For the Chinese, tea drinking is very popular. Not only is tea (without sugar) a healthy beverage, it is also helpful in easing the sensation of greasiness from all the dishes and snacks.

* Save some room: Always eat up to only 70% of fullness.

* 100 kcal rule: If you’re watching your weight, try not to exceed 100 kcal from snacks (candies, sweets, cookies, nuts, seeds, etc) a day.



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