方舟移民律師事務所 「認真負責‧客戶至上」

法律 時間:07/16/2010 瀏覽: 2581
方舟移民律師事務所專門精辦美國各類移民法律案件,所服務的客戶遍佈全世界及美國各州,多年來成功幫助各行各業的人士來美取得美國綠卡,贏得在美的移民權益,秉承著 “認真負責,客戶至上” 的精神,我們用豐富的專業知識,多年的辦案經驗,最新的移民資訊,來處理每一位元客戶的案件,讓您在最短的時間裏實現移民美國的願望。

方舟移民律師事務精辦各類型非移民簽證、移民類:1. 職業移民 2. 親屬移民 3. 宗教移民 4. 投資移民 5. 政治庇護、公民入籍、移民局陪同面試及其他更多服務,歡迎上網 www.fangzhoulaw.com 搜尋更多資訊,或來電詢問 408-220-4068,地址 1650 Zanker Road, Suite 232, San Jose, CA 95112。

H&L Law Offices

H&L Law Offices specializes in all kinds of immigration law cases in the United States, providing services to customers all over the world. H&L Law Offices have successfully helped people in a variety of industries in the United States to obtain a green card, win the rights of immigration. Adhering to the spirit of "providing the serious and responsible services", H&L handles every case with the latest updated immigration information, and have you realize your dream in the shortest possible time.

H&L Law Offices specializes in various types of non-immigrant visa and immigration categories, which includes: 1. Employment-based Immigration 2. Family Immigration 3. Religion Immigration 4. Investment Immigration 5. Political asylum, 6. citizenship accompanied by interviews and other additional services. Please visit www.fangzhoulaw.com for more information, or call 408-220-4068, address 1650 Zanker Road, Suite 232, San Jose, CA 95112.



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