New Summer Discount Tours—sign up now! 夏天出發的新特價團!

旅遊 時間:04/28/2011 瀏覽: 1074
Introducing New Summer 2011 Discount Tours!

Visit our Specials page for a selection of affordable but luxurious tours that will take you to several of China's must-see destinations while also allowing you to enjoy the comfort of four- and five-star hotels. Three of our new tours are highlighted by a trip to the fabled Yellow Mountain (Huangshan), which boasts some of the world's most magnificent mountain scenery! We have tours departing on June 17th, July 5th, and August 7th, and they're filling up quickly. (The July 19th tour is already full.)

Please note: As limited-departure discount tours, these tours features primarily Chinese-speaking tour guides who are not fully proficient in English. (For most of our discount tours, however, custom arrangements for bilingual, English-speaking guides can be made.)

You might also consider taking our Jiangnan Gourmet Cuisine/Yellow Mountain 10-Day Tour, which features Hong Village, “the most beautiful mountain village in China.” As one of our standard tours, it always features bilingual, English-speaking guides, and it gives you the flexibility to choose one of many departure dates—and unlike many other travel agencies, we guarantee departure for standard tour groups as small as two people! Also, remember that seniors (ages 60 and up) and "rabbits" (clients born in the Year of the Rabbit) get $50 off the price of a standard tour departing this year. If you're interested in learning more about these places, click on the "Hong Village" and "Yellow Mountain" links above to see our newly revised and expanded photo galleries, which are now optimized for slower connection speeds.

請看看我們新安排的 2011年夏季的特價團!

請 打開我們的特價行程頁面而參考我們四條最新的綫路,全部以4-5 星的豪華行程帶您去遊覽幾個必看的中國城市,其中三條也以聞名中外的黃山為特點。目前只有 6月17日、7月5日、8月7日出發的團,名額有限。(7月19日出發的北京+大華東+黃山12天遊已經報滿了。)

請注意:因爲這些特價團是暫時性的團,所以只 提供中文導遊(但其他的特價團,我們也可以根據客人的要求,安排講英語的雙語導遊)。

您 也可以考慮參加我們的江南美食黃山10天遊 (CIT003),它另外還包括黃山附近的宏村,“中國最美的山村”。因爲是系列團,CIT003 一直以提供中英雙語的導遊為標準,也有很多出發日期的選擇,只要有兩個人就可以成團,保證出發。不要忘記,60嵗以上的人 與鼠兔者參加2011年出發的系列團都可以享受$50 的折扣券。如果您想多了解黃山與宏村這兩個勝地,點擊以上的鏈接,看看我們新設計的照片廊,現在的下載速度比 較快,照片也更豐富。


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