萬里法律/教育集團:金榜題名南加大, 論文寫什麼?

教育 時間:05/18/2017 瀏覽: 4222

4.28.17 ~年輕人個人理財」及「父母退休資規劃」系列

 ~金榜題名南加大, 論文寫什麼?

Jeff Tsao

千禧世代年輕人典範 25歲達到美國夢「我的儲蓄,從一杯波霸開始」



Q: 父母一直苦苦尋找進入頂尖大學的金鑰匙, 大家不妨考慮一下社會需要什麼樣關鍵技能的年輕人? 學生們如果在進入大學之前學會個人理財觀念,申請大學論文「寫72法則」, 輕鬆金榜題名南加大。


1) 理財能力

2) 時間管理

3) 解決沖突

4) 積極心態


申請大學論文「寫72法則」,展現出社會需要的成熟度,同時帶出社會面臨學生貸款的問題,如果人人理解愛因斯坦發明的72法則, 貧富差距,的巨大圍牆可以消除。

Prompt Essay:

Currently, America is in the midst of the greatest wealth gap since the Great Depression.

Separated by an increasingly tall wall, those in the middle and lower class find it increasingly difficult to join the ranks of the upper class.

This year, many college graduates face a future of crushing student loan debt, unstable employment, increasingly expensive healthcare, and uncertain retirement.

Meanwhile, the bulk of America’s astounding wealth – through perfectly legal means – remains concentrated in society’s top 1%. As the middle class shrinks, people are forced to work longer. As recently as 40 years ago, young adults wouldn’t have entertained such thought. But the cold reality is that the American Dream becomes more elusive. While some could still chase their dreams, ordinary folks would find it hard to realize their potential while worrying about finances. Hope seems to be fading.

That is, until I discovered the magic Rule of 72.

Discovered by Einstein, the Rule of 72 calculate how soon money could double based on interest rate. Through saving smart and starting young, the millennials of today can use their best friend – time – to their advantage by building up a nest egg that outpaces inflation, with a few hundred dollars per month.

With such knowledge, those who aren’t at the top wouldn’t need to wait for economic benefits to “trickle down.” Indeed, everyone could start to climb up the economic ladder, and start to knock down walls built to separate us.

[名校, 節稅, 信託]  講座

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