Roger Wang

來源:Roger Wang 時間:02/26/2015 10:57 瀏覽: 2224

Roger Wang is a medical doctor in Santa Ana, CA. specializing in family medicine and skin diseases. He is an alumnus of National Taiwan University College of Medicine. He has a large following of patients who like him.

On the side, Roger Wang is a gardening hobbyist. He wishes he were a farmer or orchardist. In the Year 2006, he initiated a periodic gathering called Taiwanese Gardening Club in Orange County. Participants enjoyed tasty potluck dinners with friends while sharing with and learning from each other horticultural and agricultural tidbits and experience. This gathering was so popular, that it has progressed into an annual event, held in several different places with a snowballing list of members. People who missed the party for whatever reason often become obsessed with the question - when and where will be the next meeting?

Roger Wang feels greatly honored to have this opportunity online to share with all the gardening friends some of his unique observation and exceptional ideas that might not have been published elsewhere, in the hope, that all will pitch in to create a healthier and greener earth for our future generations.

Let's roll up the sleeves. You are invited.

王秀雄醫師執業於加州Santa Ana。專精家庭醫學和皮膚病。王博士畢業於國立台灣大學醫學院擁有大批熱愛他的粉絲病人。
此外,王醫師喜愛園藝。他常以農夫或園丁自居。2006年,他在橙縣發起一個定期聚會的組織叫做Taiwanese Gardening Club台灣園藝俱樂部(正名台灣農友會)與會者各自攜帶拿手佳餚相聚在選定的農友家與同好共享美食,並相互切磋園藝技巧和研習農產經驗。這個餐敘聚會大受歡迎,已經成為一年一度的盛事。過去幾年,農友們分別歡聚在幾個不同的地點 成員的名單也如滾雪球般的快速增加。無論出於何種原因,錯過了團聚機會者往往十分懊惱,並迫切想知道下一次聚會的時間地點。




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