
醫療 時間:08/29/2017 瀏覽: 7625

JointEase with UC-II®

U.S.Patents: 7,846,487,   7,083,820;   EPO Patent: EP1435906B1;   Canadian Patent: CA245981C;   Japanese Patent: JP4800574B2

A.極品活性骨膠原是什麼?What is JointEase w/UC-II® Gu Jiao Yuan?

極品活性骨膠原是維護骨骼與關節健康的專利配方,其中獨家添加受專利保護的 UC-II®成分,可幫助骨骼及身體各個關節靈活性,增加其彈性,促進骨骼及關節回復健康。A joint and bone health formula, featured patented UC-II® (undenatured type II collagen), glucosamine HCL and choindrotin sulfate.

B.UC-II®是什麼?What’s UC-II®?

UC-II®是以美國專利技術低溫提取的未經破壞分子結構,保持百分百生物活性的二型膠原蛋白,是人體軟骨及骨質的主要構成成分。UC-II®是革新性保健成分,當它參與人體的免疫系統運作時,可促進人體骨骼及各個關節的健康,增加骨骼及身體各個關節的靈活性與彈性。此成分經過FDA的PMN(銷售前批准)必要程式批准。經過六項人體臨床實驗及在哈佛醫學院所做的各項研究,配方中獨家添加的UC-II®成分的美國發龍藥業極品活性骨膠原,擁有四項美國專利。Derived from chicken sternum cartilage, UC-II® consists of undenatured (native) type II collagen, a revolutionary new dietary ingredient that works with the immune system to promote healthy joints and increase joint mobility and flexibility (FDA-notified and published new dietary ingredient).* Supported by six human clinical studies, including research at Harvard University Medical School, UC-II® is the only source of undenatured type II collagen available as a powdered, shelf stable dietary ingredient (four U.S. patents and international patents pending).

C.極品活性骨膠原有何作用?What does JointEase w/UC-II® do?

  • 改善骨骼及身體各個關節靈活,增加其彈性
  • 促進骨骼及關節回復健康

      o Improves joint mobility and flexibility
      o Promotes healthy joints

D極品活性骨膠原如何起效?How does JointEase w/UC-II® work?

口服極品活性骨膠原後,經由Oral Tolerization 即口服免疫耐受作用起效。與過敏症治療原理相似。Type II collagen administered orally works with the immune system to promote healthy joints by a process called oral tolerization.

E.極品活性骨膠原與其他產品的不同?How is JointEase w/UC-II® different?

1.目前市場除了天然二型膠原蛋白(Undenatured Collagen II ,簡稱UC-II®)之外,還可看到一些其它的膠原蛋白產品,它們在製造工藝、產品活性、原料價格上存在明顯的不同。


3.UC-II®是唯一通過美國專利技術(US Patent #5750144等)低溫條件下提取,完全保留蛋白質的結構、生物活性和功能的產品。二型膠原蛋白權威專家,美國哈佛醫學院教授Dr. David E. Trentham表示只有未經破壞的天然二型膠原蛋白才對疾病有效("type II collagen must be in its native (undenatured) form to be effective.")。UC-II®作用機理明確,通過“口服免疫耐受作用”起效。

4.UC-II® is made from chicken sternum cartilage using a patented, low-temperature manufacturing process that ensures the biological activity of the type II collagen; activity that has been validated by a very specific and highly sensitive antibody analysis called an "ELISA" test. Other forms of type II collagen sold as dietary supplements are denatured, or hydrolyzed. In other words, their molecular configuration has been changed, either through chemical or high-temperature processing, rendering them inactive. According to Dr. David E. Trentham, Harvard University researcher and leading expert on type II collagen, "type II collagen must be in its native (undenatured) form to be effective."

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