申請大學 勿為盛名所惑

來源:曲皓宇 時間:09/27/2012 瀏覽: 718


3.勿受盛名之累。名校排行榜雖具吸引力,多數人難免受其左右,但選擇適合自己的學校更為重要。父母一定會忍不住提供選校意見,但名校不一定是最佳選擇。當然,家人和朋友的建言都是出於善意,應該虛心聆聽,但最後決定在於自己。拜訪學校,親身體驗校園,儘可能爭取留宿學校的機會,多和在校生交談,很有可能會發現,原本不在選校名單中的大學, 最終反而將成為你的首選之一。
Ten Helpful Tips on Choosing Proper College

By Nelson Chiu Getting into college has always been daunting. But increasing pressure from all directions to enter the best school possible has made it even worse for high school students today.
In the past five years, I’ve interviewed many students as an alumnus interviewer for my alma mater. Recently, I went through the application process myself for medical residency programs. From my experiences on both sides of the aisle, I can humbly offer a few pieces of advice for high school seniors about to begin the college application process:
1Take a Deep Breath

Applying to college can be very stressful, but oftentimes it is hyped up to be a much bigger deal than it actually is. Before you dive into it, give yourself a moment to relax and unwind – you’ve made it quite far already.Then make a schedule and a plan, and as you follow it, focus on one step at a time. These baby steps will add up, and you’ll be on the other side of this journey in no time.Choosing and getting into a school is definitely an important task, but it can be enjoyable as well. Use it as a time to learn more about new people and places, discover the world outside of home, and find out more about yourself and what makes you tick!
2 See the Big Picture

College is an important stage, but in the end it is only a relatively short period of time. Your experiences there will influence you, but certainly not define you, as you go forward.In the grand scheme of things, where you attended university will matter surprisingly little compared to the other choices you make every day, particularly after graduation. It is definitely easier to appreciate this in hindsight, but try to put things into perspective even as you apply and take the long view, no matter what is going on around you.
3 Don’t Judge by Reputation

There are certainly schools that may carry more prestige to some, and it’s hard to escape ubiquitous college rankings. However, it’s more important to choose a school based on how it fits you personally.Your parents may wish for you to make “safe” or popular college choices, but these may not be the most suitable for you. Family and friends certainly mean the best, but in the end you must make a choice that works for you.Spend ample time at the schools to get a “feel” for the place. Find an overnight student host if possible and talk to as many people as you can. And cast a wide net – you may find that you love a school that you didn’t originally consider.
4 You Are a Unique Candidate

Just as you are choosing the right school for yourself, the schools are also choosing the right students for them. You have much to offer – a unique set of talents and skills that no one else possesses. Feel free to “show off” some without being arrogant.Think about what you are looking for in terms of academics (majors, class size, writing courses, core curriculum, advisory services, research facilities, thesis or capstone projects) and student life at the school (student housing, food, clubs, study abroad programs, internships). Don’t be afraid to ask each potential school what is provided.
5Do Your Best,Trust the Results

After filling out your applications, writing your essays, organizing your letters of recommendation, and finishing your interviews, all you can do is wait.Definitely give it your best shot – you should always try your hardest and present yourself to the schools in the best manner possible. But after you’re finished and everything is submitted, let go and don’t worry.Just remember, some things in life are out of your hands. But trust that there is a reason for whatever happens, and it will be for the best.
6 Celebrate, No Matter What

Congratulations! You’ve gotten into college! It may or may not be your top choice or dream school, but it is an amazing achievement regardless. You are blessed with the opportunity to further your education, a gift granted to very few people worldwide.Take time to be thankful and have some fun! Remember to thank everyone who has helped you get this far – particularly your parents, family, close friends, teachers, and mentors.Don’t forget to repay the favor to those who come after you and enjoy the remaining time at home with your family and friends.
7Take Initiative, Take a Chance

College affords you with so many different opportunities to learn, grow, and enjoy. More important than where you attend school is how you take advantage of the resources there.There are a multitude of academic offerings, extracurricular activities, interesting people to meet, and more. Use this time wisely; there are few chances to be nurtured in such a supportive environment in the future.Take new classes, explore new ideas, try new things, travel to new places, and meet new people. Keep an open mind and absorb as much as you can – this time is for you!
8 Find the Right Balance

The freedom you have in college can be overwhelming. You may find yourself living away from home for the first time and no longer under your parents’ rules.There will be a lot of free time, which you can spend working, playing, or resting. Try to strike the right balance between these things, which are all important. When it is time to work, study efficiently in an environment where you aren’t constantly distracted.Take breaks and prioritize other equally important things as well, such as extracurricular activities and spending time with friends. Eat healthily, sleep regularly, and exercise daily. These habits will keep you running smoothly in college and for many years after.
9 Treasure Time with Others

The best thing graduates cite about their college experience is always the people. Your fellow classmates will become some of your best friends.These relationships will be some of the most meaningful, influential, and valuable experiences of your life. Learn the skills of teamwork, cooperation, and negotiation, which will prove invaluable in and out of the workplace.Keep an open mind while talking to others, but choose your close friends wisely, and don’t forget to keep in touch with family.
10 Think About the Future

College is a time for self-discovery, learning to think logically, and considering some of the “big questions” in society. Unfortunately, many times these don’t translate into students’ career considerations.Salary and lifestyle are obviously significant factors in choosing a job, but are not the only considerations, or the most important. Discover your own passions and skills, find out where there is a true need in the world, and look for a job where these two meet.Don’t be afraid to begin something new. You’ve been blessed with a terrific education – now it’s time to go out and use it!I hope you will find these tips helpful as you embark on the college application process. I trust you will get into the school that is best for you, and they will be fortunate to have you. Best of luck!
Nelson Chiu graduated from Princeton University. He recently finished medical school and will begin his residency in Family Medicine this year. His interests include guitar, a cappella, running, and backpacking.




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