創社團展熱情 成賓大新鮮人

來源:陳宇陽 時間:09/27/2012 瀏覽: 636


 SAT滿分 說服力

創摺紙社 募款賑災

陳宇陽在參加學校田徑隊、Citizen Club之外,創辦了「摺紙社」,定期帶著社員們學習摺紙技巧。去年日本311大地震時,陳宇陽與社員們一起發起「一隻紙鶴捐贈一元」的愛心募款援助日本災民活動,獲得廣大迴響,並得到當地媒體的報導。陳宇陽為推廣摺紙藝術,自2009年起在youtube網站上,創立了「摺紙影片教學網站」,從最簡單的「紙球」開始傳授摺紙技藝,每個月上傳兩部新的教學影片,兩年多來累積了數百萬的點閱人氣,也吸引廣告商在他的專業摺紙網站上做廣告,陳宇陽也加強在繪畫及攝影的學習。他在摺紙領域的專注及推廣成果,使履歷有了著墨點。
提早行動 成果豐碩

提早決定及提早行動都應該在對申請大學有充分瞭解後提出,最好先實地參觀體會,校園大小是否合適?校園師生素質及氣氛是否契合?不要只因錄取率高就草率決定提早申請,若因此而不能選擇到他校就讀,卻又發現名校對自己並不合適,學生將浪費四年寶貴光陰。 (黃惠玲編譯)

Grades and Scores Are Key,So Is Having Passion for Life

By Luke Chen While college admittance decisions may seem random, it is more orderly than it seems. After four years of high school and an admission to the University of Pennsylvania, I have learned that there are several major things you can do to increase your chances to get into a good college.
Good Grades, Good Classes

Academic success and the rigor of high school courses taken are the most important factors in college admissions. If a student’s GPA is not up to par, many times the admissions office will completely disregard the applicant, no matter his or her achievements. So, if you find your grades suffering because you are trying to polish other parts of your application, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities.While it is important to excel in school, it is also important to select classes that are sufficiently difficult. Having a straight “A” course load of unweighted or regular classes is inferior to having a mix of A’s and B’s with the hardest classes possible, such as AP and Honors classes.
Standardized tests are an integral part of the college admissions process. Without a strong score, admissions officers can easily overlook your application. My advice on acing any standardized test is to start early. It may seem a bit extreme to start in 9th grade, but by prepping early, I was able to raise my SAT score 440 points. Instead of college prep classes, which are often costly, buy books on whatever standardized test you are taking from the official publisher.
SAT subject tests are supplements to the SAT, and cover subjects like algebra, languages, history, and sciences. Many elite colleges require these supplemental tests. In general, these tests are more straightforward and it is very possible to score a perfect 800.
Extracurricular Activities

How many extracurricular activities a student undertakes is not nearly as important to college admissions officers as whether the student is highly passionate about a certain topic. Although it is important for applicants to be well rounded, what admissions officers are really looking for is a well-rounded student body. A college does not want a hundred of the same well-rounded students, but instead a mix of students who have unique talent or passion.
Origami was something that I enjoyed doing, and had been doing for a long time, so I started a club at my school for origami. I also created instructional origami videos on YouTube. Coupled with a few other artistic extracurricular activities, including photography and drawing, I was able to paint a portrait of myself in my college application that I believe stood out from other applicants.
Essays That Reveal Yourself

Writing college admissions essays is usually the final piece of the puzzle in the admissions process. These essays are what give life to your application.
In a pool of applicants with stellar test scores and GPAs, you need to differentiate yourself from the pack and present yourself as someone different and better than the rest. Consequently, try to avoid cliche or forced topics. For example, unless you conduct a full-sized orchestra or frequently play in Carnegie Hall, try not to write about playing a musical instrument. Focus on the present. Remember, a childhood lemonade stand might not evoke images of a powerful future businessman that you aspire to be.
These essays are a time to accentuate your strongest points, so be adventurous and write about an unusual experience that you have had relating to your passions. However, be sure to appear personable and sincere while writing about your achievements, and try to avoid flowery language.
The Admissions Process

After you have compiled your list of desired colleges, you have to undergo the stress of whether or not to apply an early decision or early action program. As a general rule, Early Action programs, being nonbinding, are beneficial to an application because they show an interest in a college. It is possible to submit Early Action applications to multiple schools, but some schools, like Stanford and Princeton, have Single Choice Early Action.
Decide carefully and consider what you are looking for in a college. Do you like small or large schools? Liberal arts or large universities? What kind of people do you want to surround you? Don’t be drawn into an early decision application just for the higher admissions rate. You want to make sure the college you go to is a match for you, both socially and academically. If a school is your first choice, then your passion will show in your application.




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