時間:12/27/2018 瀏覽: 2052

First of all, let me wish one and all a MERRY CHRISTMAS! We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The divine became human as an expression of God’s love for humankind.

Now what, pray tell does the title Financial Legal Plastic Surgery mean? Is this something hard to imagine? Not really.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery refers to surgery that attempts to correct something on your body that doesn’t look right, for some reason. If your arms have suffered a third degree burn such that your skin and flesh have been badly damaged and charred, the plastic and reconstructive surgeon, can get healthy and undamaged skin from another part of your body, let’s say your butt which is not exposed to public view, and attaching that over your damaged arms. A successful surgery will give your arms new skin from your butt. Your arms will look like new.

Another example would be for women whose C-section got infected at childbirth such that their stomachs now have a lot of fat and are sagging and look like lumps of fat. The surgeon will cut them open, suck out the fat tissues, do some contouring by cutting off excess skin. After surgery, stomach will become flat again, and women get back their slim figure again.

Yet another example would be for one whose nose was bitten off by a big dog. The surgeon will get cartilage from somewhere else and use that to shape and sculpture a nose. After surgery, nose will look normal and good again.

How about legal financial plastic surgery, how does that work? Well, in that situation, I am the legal financial plastic surgeon. Let’s say you accumulated $40K of credit card debt over the years. Every year you added about $5K to your credit card debt. In year one, you ended up with $5K of debt. In year 4, you ended up with $20K of credit card debt. In year 8, which is this year, you have $40K of credit card debt.

The $40K of credit card debt now costs you a minimum of $1,200 a month, just to keep them current. Now that Fed Chairman Powell raised interest rates another .25%, against the express wishes of POTUS Trump, tanking the stock market like never before on Christmas Eve, it will probably now cost you $1,400 a month to keep those suckers current. I call them suckers because they suck your hard earned income from your household. We can compare these suckers to 120 lbs. of excess weight around your stomach, making your waistline 120 inches. This excess weight is not healthy for you, physically, emotionally and financially.

As a legal financial plastic surgeon, I will cut your financial stomach open, suck out the financial fat tissues with a vacuum cleaner, then contour your financial body to a lean and slim healthy look. After surgery, you will immediately no longer have the $40K of credit card debt. Therefore, you will not have to pay $1400 a month anymore. You will look and feel physically, emotionally and financially very healthy. You can use the $1400 a month that you will now save post surgery, for your future needs, be that college for your kids, or your retirement, or whatever. But you will have that money available for your own needs and you will add that money to your financial resources. That’s a savings of almost $20K a year. In 5 years, you will save $100K. Invest that money wisely and it will keep on growing over the years. In 10 years, despite this stock market downturn, you may have $500K in your portfolio that gives you income of $30K a year to be spent or reinvested while keeping your principal of $500K intact.

Or, let’s say you owe $60K of credit card debt. I can’t just cut off the entire $60K because you own a house with equity that is $20K beyond the homestead exemption. I can cut off $40K from your $60K of credit card debt, and allow you to pay the $20K over 5 years at $350 a month without interest. If you complete the payment plan in 60 months, you will owe zero credit card debt.

Or, your house may be going into foreclosure because you have not paid it for 6 months. You owe $30K of past due mortgage payments. The bank has sent you a notice of default threatening to foreclose your house if you do not pay the entire $30K in full. So this is like a cancerous tumor that will eat you up. I will cut off that tumor by stopping the foreclosure and allowing you to pay the $30K over 5 years, without interest.

You will definitely feel and look better after legal financial plastic surgery!

If you need debt relief, call my office for an appointment. I will analyze your case personally. 




            IN HIS SON.” 1 JOHN 5:11


              Lawrence Bautista Yang specializes in Bankruptcy, Business, Real Estate and Civil Litigation and                has successfully represented more than five thousand clients in California.  Please call Angie,

Bar        bara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S. Fremont Ave, Mailstop 58, Building A-1        Suite 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 or at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.



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