美國第一家以 Hello Kitty & Friends 系列爲主題的牙科診所來到洛杉矶啦!

時間:03/29/2019 瀏覽: 4328

  Sanrio Expands Experiential Licensing with Southern California’s Parklane Dental Hello Kitty & Friends Help Make the Trip to the Dentist A Lot Cuter 日本三麗鷗聯合南加州柏麗牙科特別擴展了體驗許可 Hello Kitty & Friends 系列使看牙醫之旅更輕鬆 Sanrio is expanding their exciting experiential licensing program by partnering with Los Angeles-based Parklane Dental on the first ever dental office in the U.S. to feature Hello Kitty and Friends. The concept of experiential licensing is common practice for the global lifestyle brand throughout Asia, with their pop icon Hello Kitty greeting visitors in a myriad of locations including amusement parks, hotels, pop-up grocery stores, and a maternity hospital, as well as airports and airplanes.

日本三麗鷗與位於洛杉磯的柏麗牙科合作,擴展令人興奮的體驗式許可計劃,這是美國 第一家以 Hello Kitty & Friends 系列爲主題的牙科診所。這種體驗式許可的概念在亞 洲非常普遍,通常是用於全球知名品牌的推廣,通過三麗鷗最具標誌性的主角凱蒂貓穿 梭在遊樂園、酒店、快閃式雜貨店以及婦產科醫院和粉絲互動。 Maureen Bergmueller, Sr. Vice President of Marketing and Brand Management at Sanrio, Inc. “We look forward to launching our partnership with Parklane Dental for the first ever Sanrio 柏麗牙科的 Hello Kitty & Friends 主題診所位於洛杉磯天普市,整個體驗計劃的宗旨 是令大家在看牙醫時候感到輕鬆,心情愉快。

體驗計劃從你穿過大門進入大廳開始,迎 接大家的是大廳裏裝飾着有趣的各個角色的裝飾品,包括凱蒂貓、蛋黃哥、美樂蒂、巧 克力貓、酷企鵝、雙星仙子、大眼蛙、帕恰狗和布丁狗,他們是帶着牙刷、牙線和其他 可愛道具的牙醫,洗牙師和牙醫助理。在特製的凱蒂貓和蛋黃哥主題治療室裏到處都是 這兩位主角的可愛設計,以安撫看牙醫時的緊張情緒。這兩間治療室的預約是根據診所 當天的日程安排,先到先得。

In keeping with Sanrio’s ‘small gift, big smile’ philosophy, a small gift awaits each patient at the conclusion of their dental appointment. There is no extra charge for the Hello Kitty and Friends experience. For more information and to book appointments, please visit: https://www.parklanedental.net/. 貫徹三麗鷗“小禮物,大微笑”的理念,每個患者在牙醫檢查或治療結束後都有一份小 禮物在等待着他們。Hello Kitty and Friends 的體驗並沒有額外收費,更多詳情以及 如何預約,請訪問:https://www.parklanedental.net/. “Welcoming Sanrio to our family, Parklane Dental strives to bring an exciting yet comfortable dental experience to our patients,” says Dr. Eric To, the founder of Parklane Dental. “With Hello Kitty and her friends, our team hopes to foster a community where our patients of all ages can enjoy their stay here as a part of an educational and memorable experience. Our goal is to create a fun and relaxing environment where patients can visit Hello Kitty and her friends to learn how to brush with My Melody, to floss with Little Twin Stars, and to rinse with Keroppi!” 柏麗牙科的創始人杜振軒牙醫博士說:“非常歡迎三麗鷗加入我們的大家庭,柏麗牙科 致力於給我們的病人帶來一個愉悅又舒適的看牙體驗,有了凱蒂貓和她的朋友們加入, 我們的團隊更希望建立一個社區,讓所有年齡段的病人都能享受優質牙醫護理的體驗, 絕對是最有意義並且最難忘的經歷。
我們的目標是創造一個有趣和放鬆的環境,讓病人 可以去跟凱蒂貓和她的朋友們學習牙齒護理,例如跟美樂蒂學習如何刷牙,跟雙星仙子 學習如何用牙線,以及跟大眼蛙學習如何漱口!” About Parklane Dental Parklane Dental was founded by Dr. Eric To with the philosophy of “Where Beautiful Smiles Begin” by providing exceptional patient service through excellent clinical result. Parklane Dental has been nationally recognized for its modern design with an up-to-date dental facility that utilizes the latest technology such as dental laser, 3D x-ray imaging, and digital impression. Our dental team serves patients of all ages and provides family and pediatric dentistry, orthodontics (braces), oral surgery and dental implants, and exceptional cosmetic dentistry. As the proud provider of “Give Kids A Smile” program in San Gabriel Valley, Dr. Eric To leads his dental team each year to visit and educate thousands of kids on oral hygiene throughout local schools and community programs. 柏麗牙科介紹 柏麗牙科由杜振軒牙醫博士創立,以“美麗的笑容從此而來”爲理念,通過出色的臨床 技術爲大家提供最優質的服務。柏麗牙科以極具現代感的設計,擁有最新的牙科設備, 採用最先進的技術而獲得國際認可,高端技術包括牙科激光、三維 X 光映像和數字化印 模等。我們的醫師團隊服務於所有年齡段的患者,提供家庭和兒科牙科、正畸(牙套) 專科、口腔手術外科和植牙,以及全面的牙齒美容項目。作爲聖蓋博谷“給孩子一個微 笑”項目的榮譽贊助者,杜振軒牙醫博士每年都會帶領他的醫師團隊,訪問和教育當地 學校和社區數千名兒童的口腔衛生和護理。 About Dr. Eric To Dr. Eric To obtained his doctorate from Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, graduating from the top 10% of his class. He also served as a preclinical instructor at USC. As one of the premier providers of Invisalign, he keeps up with constant changes in dentistry by attending continuing education courses. Dr. To was awarded the Pasadena Top Dentist; America’s Top Dentist; and Los Angeles Top Dentist in various years. He numerously appeared as guest speaker on various TV shows offering his professional advice on dental health and cosmetic dentistry. 杜振軒牙科博士簡介 杜振軒牙科博士學歷顯赫,不但以優異成績獲得哥倫比亞大學牙科博士,更曾在南加州 大學牙科學院任職講師。作為一名全面性的家庭牙科醫生, 杜醫生更專長於牙齒美容, 亦擔任為 Invisalign® 矯正治療首選牙科醫生。杜醫生曾多次榮獲全美及洛杉磯周邊地 區的最佳牙醫稱號,并多次獲邀到各大電視臺擔任節目嘉賓,為大眾提供牙齒美容及護 理等知識。 

柏麗牙科 - Arcadia
聯系電話:(626) 445-3388
詳細地址:815 W. Naomi Ave., #L, Arcadia, CA 91007

柏麗牙科 - Temple City
聯系電話:(626) 247-4788
詳細地址:9636 Las Tunas Dr., Temple City, CA 91780


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