
醫療 時間:08/12/2019 瀏覽: 4682
奇花解酒茶 Exquisite Tea Hangover Remedy

美酒雖香, 但酒精傷人, 飲酒前服用奇花解酒茶, 既享受到美酒的香醇, 又能為您保肝腎, 護脾胃, 是伴您在酒席上的健康良友。奇花解酒茶以祖傳祕方, 結合現代新配方均以韓藥純天然植物, 山奇花, 野葛花, 山菇花, 野山蔘花, 靈芝, 經美國現代高端工藝提純而成, 可藥食同原。酒前15至20分鐘引用奇花解酒茶, 能促進腦心血液循環及新陳代謝, 提高酒量, 加速酒精在體內的分解代謝, 促進酒精轉化為無毒物質排出體外, 使人體五臟六腑免受酒精毒害, 清除殘餘沉澱在肝腎脾胃中的酒精和毒素。酒前, 酒中, 酒後均可服用。可減輕飲酒所引起的頭痛, 頭暈噁心嘔吐等全身酒醉症狀。

重要提示 : 飲烈酒和高度白酒應控制在50-100毫升內, 紅酒和啤酒應在400-500毫升內, 過量飲酒所造成的嚴重後果與本奇花解酒茶無關。

奇花解酒茶分為兩種劑型 : 
1. 膠囊
2. 茶包沖劑 (1:5高濃度提純物每包5克, 共30包)
膠囊用法與用量 : 一次3-5粒, 酒前15-20分鐘溫水送服, 服後多飲水。
茶包沖劑用法與用量 : 一次1-2包, 將茶包粉劑用150毫升以上溫水完全溶解即可, 酒前15-20分鐘服用。

保存 : 置於陰涼乾燥處及兒童不能接觸的地方

Wine is tasty, but too much alcohol will damage your body, take some pills or drink the herb tea before drinking, then you can enjoy your drinking. This will let your liver, kidney, spleen and stomach get rid of harm from alcohol. This product contains the secret pure plant formula. Main ingredients : tree fruit, flowers of Pucraria lobata, orange, Ganoderma lucidum, it is extracted through high tech and sophistication in America. It can increase alcohol detoxification, accelerate the decomposition of alcohol. Promoting alcohol into non-toxic substances removing the residual alcohol and toxins in the liver and kidney. It can be used before or after drinking. Reduce alcohol caused headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. 

Two Kinds of Packing : 
1. Capsules
2. Tea Nag

Usage and dosage : 
1. Take 3-5 pills 15 minutes before drinking. Drink plenty of water after taking.
2. Take 1-2 tea bags 15 minutes before drinking. Dissolve the powder in 150ml warm water and drink it. 
Storage : place in a cool dry place. Keep out of reach of children.


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