【保健】採用純天然中藥材,延緩更年期, 永保青春的經舒樂 | 德玉堂!

醫療 時間:08/16/2019 瀏覽: 4602
經舒樂 Period Comfortable

採用純天然中藥材, 主要成分 : 當歸, 香附, 延胡縈, 白芍, 紅花, 日本雲實, 日本天劍, 益母草, 山楂等。經美國高科技加工提煉而成。具有活血, 行氣, 化瘀, 調經止痛, 緩解經期出現下腹部劇痛及噁心, 嘔吐, 胸悶, 腰酸, 冒汗等全身不適。並能調解機體免疫功能而達到預防子宮肌瘤及卵巢囊腫, 更能延緩更年期, 永保青春。

C類主要調節免疲功能, 預防子宮肌瘤及卵巢囊腫及延緩更年期。

用法及用量 : 每天2次, 每次3-5粒。
注意 : 存放陰涼處, 兒童不能接觸的地方。

The use of pure natural Chinese herbal medicine, main ingredients : Angelica, Cyperus rotundus, Corydalis, Ribenyunshi, Ribentianjiai, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Safflower, Motherwort etc….After the United States high-tech processing embankment Shaolian. With blood, Qi, blood stasis regulating menstruation pain relieving menstrual, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, backache, and general malaise, Can regulate immune function and achieve the prevention of uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst. 

Pill is divided into three categories : 
Class A for premenstrual breast pain and swelling.
Class B for menstrual pain and discoumfort.
Class C major regulating immune function, prevention of uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst and delay menopause.

Usage and dosage : 3 capsules each times, 2 times a day before meals, war, water delivery service.

Note : keep in dry cool place, place out of the reach of children.


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