
時間:04/20/2020 瀏覽: 2001

“For very young children from birth to two
A simple reminder to wash their hands may be all that is needed. Some parents may choose to verbalise changes and social distancing measures by saying things such as ‘there are some illnesses about and so we can’t see your grandparents, we can phone them or connect via facetime or video until everyone is healthy again’. Likewise, brief explainers on why hygiene measures are in place can be useful: ‘there are some illnesses about and so we need to wash our toys or wipe this trolley before we use it’. Use songs and games and as always with children of any age, but especially pre-verbal children, an adult’s calm and reassuring tone, builds feelings of security and safety.
Some very young children may demonstrate changes in behaviour at this time (eg seeking handwashing or wiping more frequently). Being aware of this and responding calmly is most effective. Adopting a calm manner can be helpful for settling adult anxiety too.
For two- to three-year-old children
This group, often referred to as toddlers, is likely to be aware of changes. For example that shelves are empty or less food is available in the supermarket. They may notice that parents are working from home. They may demonstrate insecurity by requiring more comfort and support, not wanting to separate from families or crying more easily.
For this age group, simple yet factual explanations are particularly important, even if they are unable to completely understand. For example, an educator explained ‘Germs are tiny things, so tiny we can’t see them with our eyes—but they can make us sick. We have to take extra care to wash our hands so we wash off the germs before we play/go home’. Again, explaining simple hygiene is something that many early childhood educators do well and reminding children of these is vital. Some parents at this stage may choose to outline that there is a specific ‘germ or virus people are worried about at the moment. This virus can make some people (such as grandparents) very sick and so we need to take extra care’."
Even if you’ve kept your toddler away from news about COVID-19 in the media or overhearing adult conversations, they are bound to have questions. Here are some age-appropriate responses to the common questions a toddler might have. Most importantly, remember to keep your answers simple and age-appropriate.
Why can’t I play with that little boy over there? “We have to take a break from playing with others so we can all stay healthy.”
我为什么不能和那个小男孩一起玩呢? “我们必须与其他人一起休息一下,以便我们所有人都能保持健康。” 
Why can’t I have a turn with that toy? “We can’t play with other children’s toys right now, so we can all stay healthy.”
为什么我不能转这个玩具? “我们现在不能与其他儿童玩具一起玩,所以我们都可以保持健康。” 
Why are we wiping down everything with wipes? “We wipe things down to keep them clean.” You don’t need to explain more than this—young children don’t understand germs or infection transmission yet.
为什么我们要用抹布擦拭一切? “我们擦拭干净以保持清洁。”您只需要说明一下,年幼的孩子还不了解细菌或感染传播。
Why is that person wearing a mask? “Sometimes people wear masks when they aren’t feeling well.” More on this question here.
那个人为什么戴着口罩? “有时候人们不适时戴口罩。”有关此问题的更多信息,请点击此处。 
Why won’t Grandpa (or other loved one) kiss or hug me? Reassure your child that their loved one still loves and cares about them very much. Then you can explain: “When a grown-up has a cold, they can keep others from getting sick by not hugging or kissing for a while. When they feel better and are healthy again, the first thing they’ll do is give you a big kiss!”
Why can’t I see mommy (or daddy, grandma, etc.)? If an adult in a child’s life needs to be separate from them, children may feel confused about it. Don’t worry your young child by talking about sickness or quarantine. You can say, “Mommy needs to be away for a little while, but she will be back soon.” Consider ways to stay connected even when physically apart, like video between parent and child. Read more here on making the most of video chat.
Why can’t I go to child care/school? “Your child care is closed right now. Your teacher and your friends are home too, just like you. When child care is open again, you can go back and see your friends. I’ll tell you when.” Avoid going into details about illness so toddlers don’t develop fears about attending child care.
为什么我不能去托儿所/学校? “您的托儿所现在关闭。您的老师和朋友也一样,也在家。再次开放托儿服务时,您可以回去见朋友。我会告诉你什么时候。”避免详细了解疾病,以使幼儿不会担心参加儿童保育。
Why can’t we leave the house? Why can’t my friend come over to play? “Right now, there is a rule that families need to stay home for a little while and be together. That helps us and our friends stay healthy. I know it can be sad when we can’t see and play with friends. But there are lots of fun things we can do together at home! Would you like to play chase or do a puzzle?” Check out our activity guide for play ideas.
我们为什么不能离开房子?我的朋友为什么不能过来玩? “目前,有一条规则是家庭需要在家里呆一段时间,我们全家人在一起。这可以帮助我们和我们的朋友保持健康。我知道当我们无法与朋友见面和玩耍时会很伤心。但是,我们可以在家一起做很多有趣的事情!您想玩追逐游戏还是拼图游戏?”查看我们的活动指南以获取游戏提示。
Even if your child is too young to ask these questions, you might notice that they still appear curious about all the changes happening around them. You can validate that something different is happening without going into detail. Explain that a change in routine is happening and what your child can expect instead: “You’re going to be staying home with Daddy for a little while, instead of going to child care. This morning we’ll go on a walk and then we’ll have a snack.”
What is the best way to wash hands properly?
Step 1:Wet hands with running water

Step 2:Apply enough soap to cover wet hands
Step 3:Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including back of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds.
Step 4:Rinse thoroughly with running water
Step 5:Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel
Wash your hands often, especially before eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and going to the bathroom. 

If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water, if hands are visibly dirt



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