【生活】地藏法門如何修 How to practice the Ksitigarbha method | 性仁法師開示 | 性仁法師開示 | 美佛寺

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The so-called Ksitigarbha method is a practice that takes Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as your own object of worship. How to practice? It is mainly reciting The Three Ksitigarbha Sutras, doing The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, and chanting the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Among The Three Ksitigarbha Sutras, in addition to "The Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva", which our fellow practitioners are very familiar with, there are also "The Sutra of Ten Wheels of Ksitigarbha" and "The Sutra of Divination of Good and Evil Karmic Effects". They are collectively referred to as The Three Sutras. My respected master, Venerable Mengcan, throughout his life, had tried his best to promote the Ksitigarbha practice method. He had a soft spot for the Ksitigarbha method. It is also precisely because of his vigorous promotion that more and more people are now practicing the Ksitigarbha method. Generally speaking, for a beginner, who has just started to enter Buddhism, we monks generally recommend that they read "The Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva". Why? Why is this? There are several reasons. The first reason is that "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" is a life-saving sutra in the age of the Degenerate Dharma. Many sutras are in the Three Treasuries and the Twelve Divisions of Buddhism, but no one else is as straightforward as "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", or as suitable, to fit the characters of our beings in the age of the Degenerate Dharma. This is the first point. The second reason is that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has the most predestined relationship with our beings of Samsara. Why is that? Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at all times and in all places are so many. No other bodhisattva is like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who has such a predestined relationship with our beings of Samsara. This is the second point. The third and most important point. Because the Ksitigarbha method is relatively easy to practice. In the process of practicing, it is easier for us to obtain benefits, and effects come sooner. It is in line with our modern people's desire of looking for a quick fix. This is why the Ksitigarbha method is highly esteemed. As we all know, the Ksitigarbha method is also called the method of repentance. The focus of practice is to repent of one's negative karma.

For our ordinary beings in the world of Samsara, this is so important. As we all know, the reason why we suffer in reincarnation in the world of Samsara and circulating among the three levels and six realms, I tell you fellow practitioners, is that "you cannot come to Samsara without heavy karma". It is because each of us carries extremely heavy negative karma and habits. That is why we have to circulate painfully in this world of Samsara, and there is no way to be liberated. It is precisely because of our karmic obstacles, in the real life, we all inevitably encounter all kinds of obstacles and afflictions. These obstacles and afflictions include physical illness and pain and mental suffering. Therefore, as a practitioner who has just started one's willingness to study Buddhism, we must rely on the teachings of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and learn the method of repentance first. Repent of your karma to eliminate the negative karma from past lives. Only after our negative karma is repented of and eliminated, will we be relatively stable in our present life, and the physical and mental world will be relatively healthy. This is conducive to our current study of Buddhism. The reduction of the bad karma with our foes and karmic creditors also helps us to proceed smoothly on the path of studying Buddhism. If they do not interfere with us, then our lives will naturally go smoothly, and our practice will be easier to stay on track. So, I tell you fellow practitioners that without a relatively stable life and a relatively healthy body, including your spiritual world and physical and mental health, you can't cultivate. So, for a beginner, repentance is especially important. This is also the biggest reason why the Ksitigarbha method is highly esteemed. Someone once told me that July was the "Ghost Month". People should not practice the Ksitigarbha method, should not recite "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", should not do The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, and should not chant the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. They told me that reciting "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" was not auspicious, doing The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Repentance Ritual would easily attract sentient beings in the ghost realm, and chanting the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva would make foes and karmic creditors appear earlier. Some others also told me that people should not practice the Ksitigarbha method at home, should not recite "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", should not do The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, or chant the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Because they think that if they do this, they will invite the sentient beings in the ghost realm to their homes. Some people even advocate that people should not practice the Ksitigarbha method at night. Sayings like that, are purely hearsay, circulating erroneous reports. They are purely sensational, made out of nothing. I tell you fellow practitioners that there is no such thing. This is not said in The Three Ksitigarbha Sutras, nor is it said in our Buddhist sutras.

The Buddha did not say that. As Buddhist disciples, we do not want to spread it irresponsibly. On the contrary, in lunar July, reciting "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" and practicing the Ksitigarbha method are the most auspicious. This is the best time to release one's own foes and karmic creditors. This is also "The Ksitigarbha Sutra"'s efficacious and wondrous point. I think this is the most important reason why our fellow practitioners like to practice the Ksitigarbha method. When we recite The Three Ksitigarbha Sutras, do The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, and chant the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, when we utter our voice, it is playing the role of teaching for those sentient beings. This is the best opportunity to enlighten your foes and karmic creditors, the best time to resolve your grievances and hatred. I tell you fellow practitioners that there is no better time than this. Because once these foes and karmic creditors are enlightened, the debt between you and them will be wiped out once and for all. You walked your way, they walk their way, and never across with each other. More importantly, not only have the grievances and hatred between you and them gone, but after the foes and karmic creditors get the benefits of the Dharma, after they are enlightened, they will be grateful to you, and for their lives, and become your protectors, guarding you day and night. Therefore, for us, repenting of our negative karma, reducing our grievances and hatred with foes and karmic creditors, are really very important for our lives and our practice. Fellow practitioners, Buddhism emphasizes cause and effect. When there is a cause, there is an effect. Have you ever thought about why people become our foes and karmic creditors? Why do people make life difficult for us? That is because in our past lives, we have created all kinds of evil causes. The bad karma from the past is the cause, and the debt collection by the creditors in this life is the effect. Cause and effect can never be wrong. That is why we have bad luck in this life, poor career, disharmony between the couple or in family, or unsuccessful children. Even in our spiritual practice path, there are many obstacles. All of this is attributable to the debt collection by the foes and karmic creditors. If we are not able to release our foes and karmic creditors, then these foes and karmic creditors will set up various obstacles to our lives, which will make our bodhi path more difficult. So, we transfer the merits from practicing the Ksitigarbha method, reciting "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", to our own foes and karmic creditors, to release our foes and karmic creditors from past lives, so that they can leave the reincarnation of the three levels and the six realms earlier, absolutely liberated, and be reborn in the Pureland of the West. This is so important. Some fellow practitioners like to release people who are kind to them, such as our ancestors in the past generations, such as our parents, teachers, brothers and sisters in past lives. Some fellow practitioners even like to transfer the merits they have to their Bodhi path, to accumulate their own resources for the rebirth in the Pureland.

There is nothing wrong with any of these. But let me tell you that comparing with foes and karmic creditors, these are not that important. To release foes and karmic creditors is even more important. Why? Because these sentient beings are the pettiest, these sentient beings are most predestined to you, are the easiest to hinder you, and the most likely to entangle you. Therefore, we must have one consideration and evaluation on which one is more important, and which is less important. The correct approach is to first release the foes and karmic creditors. After solving the problems with these foes and karmic creditors, our karmic obstacles will naturally be reduced. Our path to Buddhahood will be smooth. Therefore, if releasing foes and karmic creditors is successful, our lives will be smooth, and our path of practice will be much easier. Here, it should be pointed out that some people's bodies are too sensitive. If when you read "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" or do The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, or chant Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's holy name, the induction is too strong and your body is too sensitive, what does this indicate? This just shows that your karma of wrongdoing is too heavy, and it just hints that your foes and karmic creditors' strong desire of being released. Of course, it is also a manifestation of our own heavy karmic obstacles. We should be more diligent and courageous in learning and practicing the Ksitigarbha method. In the process of learning and practicing, in the process of reciting The Three Ksitigarbha Sutras, including our doing repentance ritual, including bearing the name in mind, when we just begin, if some fellow practitioners, maybe feel something wrong, or have bad feelings, such as dizziness, giddiness, or in the process of reading sutras, the characters are very blurry, the body is very sore, painful, or uncomfortable, or in your mind you have all kinds of doubts, many delusions, and a lot of distractions, including breathing difficulties sometimes during the chanting process. When many people encounter this phenomenon, they will easily give up practicing the Ksitigarbha method. I think this is completely wrong. Our encounter with this means that our foes and karmic creditors from the past are making troubles. They strongly desire and want us to transfer the merits of practicing the Ksitigarbha method to them. Therefore, encountering such a situation is because the foes and karmic creditors are making troubles, which will lead to this situation. As practitioners, we should hold the most remorseful heart to pray wholeheartedly for our foes and karmic creditors' forgiveness, then this phenomenon will gradually disappear. Of course, if there are some fellow practitioners who have the roots of great virtue, or have learned or practiced the Ksitigarbha method before, in the process of recitation, you will feel incomparably pure and full of Dharma joy, which you have never experienced before, sometimes even break into tears. This is also normal, and it is good. It shows that you have upheld and practiced the Ksitigarbha method before. But regardless of whether our fellow practitioners encounter good feelings or bad feelings, during upholding and practicing, we must not become attached to it. Take back and put your whole heart and soul on recitation, repentance, and chanting and bearing the name in mind.

Recite for a few weeks, a month, or even a few years, or even, throughout your life, uphold and practice the Ksitigarbha method, I tell you that you will benefit a lot. "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" is not too long, and the scriptures are not very obscure and profound. When read it, we know it is catchy. We can also understand the meaning, just like a story book, it is very suitable for our beginners. If you are interested, you can recite "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" over once every day. If you are too busy and do not have time, then you can divide "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" into three parts to recite or allocate to three days to recite. Recite one volume a day and finish in three days. Then, every time when you are done chanting, you must remember to transfer merit to your foes and karmic creditors, hoping that they can get away from suffering and be happy, and hope that they can be liberated. Thus they will not bother you again. "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" says it very clearly that if you recite "The Ksitigarbha Sutra", do The Ksitigarbha Repentance Ritual, or hold and chant the holy name of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, all unsatisfactory things will gradually disappear. So fellow practitioners, do not worry if practicing the Ksitigarbha method is unlucky. Let me tell you, if you uphold and practice the Ksitigarbha method every day or recite "The Ksitigarbha Sutra" every day, then I can tell you that every day is a good day, and every moment is a good moment. All moments are always auspicious. Let your foes and karmic creditors quickly be released, and you will also receive Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's assurance of attaining Buddhahood, and even all Buddhas in all places will empower you in your dreams and bless you in your life and work. I can assure you of this. It is not me assuring you, it is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's power of his original vows, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's power of his great mercy and great compassion and great vows. It is said by our original founder Shakyamuni Buddha in his teachings. Finally, I pray that everyone will, under the empowerment of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, eliminate all heinous and negative karma and accomplish all merits. Namaste, Amitabha!


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