美國珠心算聯合會UAAA組織名稱與Logo 是已認證商標的組織團體,特此公告 | 加州安老師才藝學苑

教育 時間:09/02/2020 瀏覽: 3365
各位美國珠心算聯合會(United Abacus Arithmetic Association, UAAA)的學生家長與朋友們大家好:




Dear UAAA students, parents, and friends:

We would like to bring awareness to a recent incident regarding the trademark infringement of our non-profit organization’s name and logo. To protect our organization’s members and reputation, UAAA has pursued legal action against the infringers.

Please be aware of any potential unauthorized use of UAAA’s name and logo by other organizations. We have also attached specific examples of infringement and more detailed information of this particular incident.

UAAA does not condone any fraudulent behavior that adversely affects the members of our organization. It is our goal to continue serving our community with our highest respect and integrity. We sincerely thank you all for your unwavering support.

Thank you,
United Abacus Arithmetic Association (UAAA)


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