
理財 時間:01/23/2021 瀏覽: 8740


中美会计师协会会长黄杰峰(Jeff Huang)表示,自疫情去年三月爆发至今,给大家的生活和经济带来了巨大的影响。中美会计师协会作为专业协会,云集不少业界精英,希望通过举办免费讲座,为社区服务,造福社会,这一宗旨始终不变。付诸实践,协会根据实际情况,灵活应变,近期已经举行了多场线上免费讲座,邀请相关的政府部门解答问题,民众可以足不出户,获得有用的资讯和进行免费的咨询。本次活动为中美会计师协会2021年的第一次大型活动,得到了国税局的大力支持,讲题都是当下人们最关心的问题,由行业专家为听众讲解,听众将会获益匪浅。中美会计师协会将继续定期推出大型专业讲座,希望听众关注。也欢迎会计师、律师、投资理财、保险、房地产、教育等行业的人士加入协会,共谋发展。

第一场 4小时免费CPE,由国税局官员和行业专家讲授。
时间:1月22日下午2:00-6:00,Zoom ID: 831 2059 3658,注册链接:


主题: 国税局国际税法合规

讲员: RaDel Lloyd, CPA, CGMA,Technical Specialist, 
主题:LB&I WIIC-Foreign Entities Practice Network

RaDel Lloyd是CGMA的注册会计师和特许全球管理会计师,拥有超过20年的专业会计经验。 她拥有犹他大学的专业会计学学士学位和硕士学位,并于1999年在Deloitte&Touché开始了她的税务会计职业。RaDel于2009年加入IRS的大型企业和国际部门。 她曾担任过收入代理人,高级团队协调员和主题事务专家等职位。 在过去的七年中,RaDel一直是外国实体预扣税、交换和国际个人合规方面的技术专家。 作为技术专家,她协助并协调与个人及其外国实体(包括外国信托,公司,合伙企业和被忽视实体)有关的国际问题的认定、发展和解决。

(RaDel Lloyd is a CPA and Chartered Managerial Global Accountant, CGMA, with over twenty years of professional accounting experience.  She has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in professional accountancy from the University of Utah and started her tax accounting career with Deloitte & Touché in 1999. RaDel joined the IRS in 2009 in their Large Business and International Division.  She has held positions as a Revenue Agent, Senior Team Coordinator and Subject Matter Expert.  RaDel has been a Foreign Entities Technical Specialist in Withholding, Exchange and International Individual Compliance for the past seven years.  As a Technical Specialist she facilitates and coordinates the identification, development, and resolution of international issues related to individuals and their foreign entities including foreign trusts, corporations, partnerships and disregarded entities. )

讲员: Christine Stone CPA,IPN Coordinator for OVDI, Offshore Arrangements IPN Technical Specialist, 
主题:LB&I- WEIIC(Withholding, Exchange and Individual International Compliance)
Christine曾管理家庭税业务并在大都会波士顿地区从事CPA工作,主要致力于为高净值客户提供税收服务以及建筑业的审计。于2001年加入国税局,担任收入代理人。 在服务部门的20年职业生涯中,Christine曾是滥用交易避免税(ATAT)团队的成员,在该团队中,她成功地管理了几项备受瞩目的永久禁止的§6701调查工作,并参加了高优先级的离岸计划,包括翡翠计划,离岸信用卡计划和离岸自愿性披露计划(OVDI)。自2014年以来,Christine)担任离岸自愿披露计划,简化的申报合规程序以及最近更新的自愿披露实践的国家协调员。 目前,Christine是离岸安排国际业务网络的技术专家,该网络专门研究使用离岸结构来掩盖外国实体,外国金融账户和其他用于避免/逃避美国税收的资产的实益拥有权。

(Christine joined the Internal Revenue Service in 2001 as a Revenue Agent after managing a family tax business and practicing as a CPA in the metropolitan Boston  area, which focused on tax services for high net worth clientele and auditing in the construction industry. 
During her 20 years career with the Service, Christine has been a member of an Abusive Transaction Avoidance Taxation (ATAT) team where she successfully managed several high profile §6701 Preparer Investigations resulting in permanent enjoinment, and participated in high priority offshore programs, including the Jade Project, Offshore Credit Card Program and the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDI).  Since 2014,Christine has served as the national coordinator for Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program, Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures and the recently updated Voluntary Disclosure Practice.
Currently, Christine is a Technical Specialist for the Offshore Arrangements International Practice Network which specializes in the use of offshore structures to conceal beneficial ownership of foreign entities, foreign financial accounts and other assets used to avoid/evade U.S. Tax.)

讲员: 颜维仁律师William Yen ESQ
主题: Deferring Capital Gains Under 
           IRC 453
时间: 3:00PM – 4:00PM(1/22/2021)
颜维仁律师是Sapient Law Group,P.C.的创始负责人。拥有多年的经验,具有广泛的法律专业知识,包括商业诉讼,公司和证券交易,移民以及房地产规划。颜律师还是位于洛杉矶市中心的一家精品诉讼公司LTL Attorneys,LLP的合伙人,他指导该公司基于人工智能的诉讼辩护业务。近年来,由于需求旺盛,颜律师的实践主要集中在针对高净值家庭和外国人的资产保护和房地产规划上。 颜律师在加州大学伯克利分校获得文学学士学位,并在UCLA完成了会计学的学士后学位。此后,颜律师在洛杉矶洛约拉法学院(Loyola Law School)获得法学博士学位,并因其在包括法律谈判和商业仲裁在内的多个课程中的学术成就而获得一等奖。颜律师是加利福尼亚州律师协会的会员,是美国加利福尼亚中央区地方法院,美国第五,第九巡回上诉法院和加利福尼亚最高法院执业律师。威廉还是美国移民律师协会的活跃成员,并连续几年被《超级律师》杂志评为“新星”,并连续多年被评为“房地产规划杰出律师”。

(William Yen is the founding principal of Sapient Law Group, P.C. with many years of experience covering a broad spectrum of legal expertise, including business litigation, corporate and securities transactions, immigration, and estate planning. William is also a partner at LTL Attorneys, LLP, a boutique litigation firm located in downtown Los Angeles, where he directs the firm’s artificial intelligence-based litigation defense practice. In recent years, due to overwhelming demand, William has focused hispractice primarily on asset protection and estate planning for high-net-worth families and foreign nationals.

William earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California at Berkeley and completed his post-baccalaureate studies in Accounting at UCLA. Thereafter, William earned his Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, where he was awarded First Honors for his academic achievements in several courses, including legal negotiation and commercial arbitration. William is a member of the California State Bar Association and is admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Central District of California, as well as the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth and Ninth Circuits, and the California Supreme Court. William is also an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and has been recognized in consecutive years by Super Lawyers Magazine as a “Rising Star” and recognized in consecutive years as a “Lawyer of Distinction in Estate Planning.)

讲员: Patrick Lam
主题: Data Security and Working 
时间: 4:00PM – 5:00PM(1/22/2021)
Patrick Chi Lam是VOaaS的创始人,该公司通过提供IT支持和咨询,网页设计,业务应用程序开发(ERP,CRM,库存管理等),具有完整VoIP解决方案的高速互联网来帮助企业客户。 VOaaS业务开始于2013年,并于2017年1月成立公司。VOaaS提供跨技术范围的IT支持服务,从您的服务器(虚拟或物理或两者),网络防火墙到Windows计算机或Mac等。 在大流行期间,VOaaS定制了安全的远程访问解决方案,以帮助SMB的所有者为员工提供在家工作(WFH)环境。 Patrick Chi Lam的教育背景包括英国莱斯特大学的管理和市场营销MBA。 他还拥有香港浸会大学的应用科学学士学位(物理)。

Patrick Chi Lam is the founder of VOaaS, a technology firm that helps business customers by providing IT Support & Consultation, Web Design, Business Application Development (ERP, CRM, Inventory Management & etc), high speed internet with complete VoIP Solutions. VOaaS was founded in 2013 and incorporated in January 2017. VOaaS offers IT Support Services across acomprehensive range of technologies, from your Server (Virtual or Physical orboth), Network Firewall, to your Windows computer or Mac and beyond. During the pandemic, VOaaS has customized secure remote access solutions to help SMB’s owners to provide a Work from Home (WFH) environment for their employees. Patrick Chi Lam’s educational background includes MBA in Management and Marketing from University of Leicester in UK. He also has a Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.), Physics from Hong Kong Baptist College in Hong Kong.

主题: International Tax Planning and Case Study
时间: 5:00PM– 6:00PM(1/22/2021)
讲员: Melanie Chen, CPA /China Group Managing Director 
of UHY Advisors

Melanie拥有20多年的指导各种服务的经验,尤其是跨多个行业的跨境税收筹划和业务咨询服务。 她还为高净值中国个人提供美国税收筹划和合规方面的建议。Melanie于2018年和2019年入选Crain纽约业务的“ 50位会计和咨询业杰出女性”名单。 Melanie领导UHY Advisors中国集团。 她是加利福尼亚州的执业会计师,是纽约和中国的执业律师。 梅兰妮毕业于北京大学和哈佛法学院。

Melanie has over 20 years experience in Melanie has over 20 years of experience directing a variety of services, specifically cross-border tax planning and business consulting services across a variety of industries. She also advises high net worth Chinese individuals on U.S. tax planning and compliance. Melanie was selected for the “50 Notable Women in Accounting and Consulting” list in Crain’s New York Business in 2018 and 2019.

Melanie leads the China Group at UHY Advisors. She is a licensed CPA in the state of California, a licensed attorney in the state of New York and China. Melanie graduated from Peking University and Harvard Law School.

讲员: Jing An, CPA /International Tax Senior Manager of UHY Advisors
Jing在美国拥有近十年的国际税务经验,包括提供税务合规,入境和出境咨询,税务改革和税务审计服务,重点是国际税务领域。 Jing为广泛行业的上市公司和私营公司提供咨询服务,Jing是UHY Advisors国际税务小组的高级经理。 她毕业于阿拉巴马大学卡尔弗豪斯会计学院。
Jing has close to ten years of international tax experience working in the United States, including providing tax compliance, inbound and outbound consulting, tax reform provision and tax audit services with a focus in the international tax area. Jing advises both publicly and privately held multinational companies in broad industries.

Jing is a senior manager in the international tax group of UHY Advisors. She graduated from the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse School of Accountancy.

第二场 2.5小时免费专家讲座,由国税局官员和行业专家讲授

时间:1月23日下午2:00-4:30,Zoom ID: 816 0234 3425,注册链接


主题: 国税局对不同语言纳税人的服务


擁有稅務法學碩士學位的童律師,同時還是擁有加州執照的註冊會計師和專業財務規劃顧問,不但精通中美兩國的稅務法律,還有著31 年的專業經驗。童律师也是中美会计师协会的前任会长。为协会的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。


陈琳会计师是加州执照会计师,美国伊利诺伊州立大学工商管理硕士. 有超过10年的美国企业管经验。 在开设自己的会计师公司之前,曾任职Gravity Defyer 首席财务官5年。  鉴于对美国中小企业的了解,陈琳会计师公司的业务主要集中在企业登记报税,公司解散重组,高净值个人及公司海外资产申报及规划。




庞献清 Pamela Pang, 毕业于中国武汉大学和美国加州大学, 双硕士, 美国注册会
计师,美国亚凯迪亚会计师事务所创办人及总经理, 从业经验近20年,专业,诚





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