法律 時間:01/21/2021 瀏覽: 1807
Once in a lifetime events have happened in the last few days: A mob stormed the Capitol building in D.C. in an attempt to stop the certification of the votes cast by the electoral college for Mr. Biden as president of the United States, a coup in real time, resulting in the death of 5 people and the ransacking of the offices of Ms. Pelosi, and Mr. Pence, and Mr. Trump got impeached a second time with ten Republicans concurring. A physical attack on our democracy that has never happened in any of our lifetimes resulted in the second impeachment of the current president. The last time I saw a coup was in Manila in 1972. Mr. Marcos with the bombing of Plaza Miranda which he blamed on the communists, maiming opposition leaders, then he shut down congress and declared martial law, in defense of the Republic against lawless elements. Then he stayed in power as a dictator with absolute power for 14 years.  Mr. Aquino was assassinated as he descended from the plane that brought him back to Manila from Los Angeles, by a military man loyal to Mr. Marcos who was then in a coma because of lupus.

Of course in the Trump coup of January 6, he was not able to stop the Electoral College certification of Mr. Biden as the new president elect of the United States of America. The coup failed because hours after the coup, the house of representatives continued on with their business of electoral votes, and Mr. Pence, to his credit certified that Mr. Biden had won the November presidential elections by a large margin. The counting went on until midnight and Mr. Biden was certified as the winner of the presidential elections held two months ago, a fact that anyone who could read would have known two months ago. 

We thank God Almighty, creator of the universe and everything in it, through Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, that our democratic institutions survived the assault on our capitol and Congress continued the business of the people, in the house of the people, the next day. In the background of this horrendous physical assault on our democracy, the pandemic continued uncontrolled, killing another 3,000 Americans daily with a total of almost 400,000 dead and 22 million infected by the virus. More Americans have died from this virus than Americans killed in WW2 and the Vietnam War combined.

When King Saul disobeyed our God, Saul could no longer be King of Israel. God’s Spirit left King Saul and so he lost God’s anointing. God told Saul to kill and destroy everyone and everything of the Amalekites. But Saul decided to spare King Agag of the Amalekites and his family and their possessions, a direct disobedience of what God had asked him to do. See 1 Samuel 15. When King Saul was convinced that God no longer favored him to be King of Israel, he killed himself in battle by throwing himself onto his own sword in the battle against the Philistines where three of his sons also died. He gave up his life because he knew God was no longer with him and he was no longer favored by God to be king of Israel.

Amalekites were supposed to be sorcerers who could transform themselves into the form of animals. An abomination to our Lord. They attacked the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land of Canaan but were defeated by Joshua who was anointed by God to lead the Israelites after Moses died. God did not allow Moses to set foot on the Promised Land but he was allowed to see it. Moses had disobeyed God when he struck the stone twice to get water from it when God’s instruction to him was to strike it once.

Even King David who lusted after Bathsheba when he saw her taking a bath naked from his balcony. David already had a harem of wives. But he decided to have the husband of Bathsheba, Uriah, a military officer fighting for Israel, to be sent to the frontlines of the combat zone to increase the chances that Uriah would be killed in battle. And indeed, Uriah was killed in battle and King David satisfied his lust by getting Uriah’s wife Bathsheba as his wife number I don’t know which, probably his 10th wife. Uriah only had one wife, which King David now had as his own to add to his stable of wives. 

God punished King David by having his first born with Bathsheba die within 24 hours of birth. And King David’s son Absalom revolted against him, and so Absalom was executed. So even Kings of Israel can lose God’s anointing and favor when they become unrighteous. God does not condone unrighteousness in our leaders. Our leaders must speak the truth. If they do not, they become unrighteous and they will suffer the loss of God’s favor and anointing. This is how it works.

So now Mr. Biden has announced that each of us will be getting $2000 as additional pandemic relief. Although that’s hardly enough to survive for the next six month, it’s a step in the right direction since it’s $1400 more than the original approved $600. But it’s the thought that counts, right? In addition, the new proposal by Mr. Biden will continue delaying evictions and foreclosures. That helps too. $2000 surely helps with rent and mortgage but food is a more pressing need for many of us. Many of us have lost our jobs and unemployment benefits and pandemic benefits are expiring. Mr. Biden has asked to extend these benefits for another four months. And he will provide enough money to pay for the resources to distribute the vaccine faster.

If money is short because of this pandemic, don’t be afraid the use your credit cards to survive another six months. Just go ahead and use them. Better to have a roof over your head than live in a tent beside the freeway. It’s really so sad that there are many homeless people in LA who are relegated to living in tents beside the freeways. This is something we have not seen before. Why do some people live in million dollar houses but some live in tents by the freeway? I pray that none of us end up living in tents by the freeway. That is just so sad. God’s plan is always to prosper us and not to hurt us. But he also gave us free will. What we decide to do have consequences and one of those consequences can be us living in a tent by the freeway. God does not force us to do things. He gave each one of us a free will to choose what we want to do with ourselves.

Now more than ever, we need divine protection. I refer you to Psalm 91 written by Moses. Please pray it for your own and your family’s divine protection. A battalion prayed it each morning. The battalion survived with no casualties during the entire duration of the war. Just a two minute prayer to our God, who is, who was and who is coming, in whom we trust. When you pray it, pray it through Jesus Christ.

hf you have too much debt and need relief, please set an appointment to see me. I will analyze your case personally. 



Lawrence B. Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University with a Master’s Degree in Law and specializes in Bankruptcy, Business, Real Estate and Civil Litigation.  He speaks English, Mandarin and Fujian and has successfully represented thousands of clients in California, including companies overseas.  Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789 or1000 S. Fremont Ave., Mailstop 58, Building A-10 South Suite 10042, Alhambra, CA 91803.


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