【投资】加州政府發錢 三千元 助您加固房屋 降低地震 災害風險 | 唐冠軍地產投資專家

地產 時間:01/16/2024 瀏覽: 2795
加州政府發錢 三千元 助您加固房屋  降低地震災害風險

2024 年剛開始就不太平靜,似乎延續了去年的全球自然災害浪潮,在新年的第一天日本西部的石川縣區域附近就發生了震度 7.6 級的地震並引發了海嘯警報和疏散命令。 坐落於聖安地列斯斷層帶上的加州也是屬於地震好發區域。 在 1 月 1 日和 1 月 5 日就已經分別在 Rancho Palos Verdes 附近以及 Rancho Cucamonga 發生了 4. 1 級以及 4.2 級的有感地震。 加州有許多老舊房屋,發生地震時恐怕無法承受地震帶來的威力與影響。 2023 年 Rolling Hills Estate 社區就受到地震影響導致山崩,多間房屋崩塌,至今仍讓人心有餘悸。

目前加州政府重啟了 EBB 地震支架 + 螺栓計畫(Earthquake Brace + Bolt/簡稱 EBB),為符合資格的屋主提供高達 $3,000 美元的資金用以加固房屋,降低地震可能造成的破壞。 對於低收入家庭更可額外獲得 $1,125 到$ 2,650 的補助。 申請時間為2024年1月10日至2月21日。 有需要的民眾請盡快提出申請!!

EBB 計劃介紹:
EBB 計劃的主要目的是對特定的房屋類型提供激勵計劃用以鼓勵屋主對房屋結構進行加固,此計劃主要針對的房屋類型為第一層下方帶有爬行空間的房子,透過在爬行空間中 安裝螺栓和膠合板用於加固房屋框架與混凝土地基之間的連接,防止房屋滑動並增加牆壁的支撐能力,防止房屋倒塌。

•附加補助:針對家庭年收入在 87,360 美元或以下,提供額外$1,125到$2,650的經濟支持,(此額外補助金額為南加地區,北加州區域金額更高) 
房屋加固費用通常在 $3,000美元到 $7,000美元之間,有了EBB的補助,可大幅減少屋主的經濟壓力。




EBB每年會開放30天讓大眾申請,2024年還新增加了許多郵編號碼,有需要的民眾可以註冊搜尋自己的郵編是否在補助的地區內。 值得注意的是,EBB的補助並不是先登記先得,系統會透過抽籤決定誰拿到補助名額,所以只要申請人符合資格就有同樣的機會獲得補助。


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Qualification Questions
Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) program registration is open for 30 days once per year. When open, you would complete the following questions on the registration form. Your answers will determine if your home qualifies for an EBB retrofit grant.

See If You Qualify
Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) helps homeowners strengthen their home and protect against earthquake damage by offering qualified homeowners a grant of up to $3,000 toward a building code-compliant earthquake retrofit. EBB is also offering a Supplemental Grant to homeowners with a household annual income of $87,360 or less as funding permits. An EBB retrofit is specifically for homes with a crawl space beneath the first floor.

New ZIP Codes added to EBB every year
Even if your house hasn’t qualified in the past, search again. We’ve added new ZIP Codes to the current EBB Program.

You may be eligible to apply for an EBB grant if (among other criteria):
•You own and live in the house you would like to retrofit.
•You live in one of the EBB program areas, which are designated by ZIP Code. 

Enter ZIP Code 
•Your house was built before 1980.
•Your house has a raised foundation, or crawl space under your house.  

•Your house is built on level ground or a slight slope.
•You have not already completed a "brace and bolt" earthquake retrofit.

EBB program registration is open for 30 days once per year. When open, you can complete the registration form online or request a paper registration form. You will be asked questions about your house, and your answers will determine if your home qualifies for an EBB retrofit grant.

Sign Up to be Notified When Registration Opens
Enter Email Address 
•See EBB's Program Registration Questions
•Learn more about the EBB Program
•Learn more about EBB's Program Rules

EBB Supplemental Grant 
For Income-Eligible Homeowners

Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) is now offering additional funding above the $3,000 EBB grant to help income-eligible homeowners complete a brace + bolt retrofit. In order to qualify for this Supplemental Grant:
•Homeowners must meet the EBB qualification requirements and be accepted into the Program, and
•Verify that their household annual income is $87,360* or less.
Supplemental grants will be awarded to eligible applicants, until grant funds run out. EBB offers Supplemental Grants in addition to its reimbursement program for code-compliant seismic retrofits, and grant recipients may need to pay income tax on the money they are granted.

*The annual household income amount is updated annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. EBB Grants awarded in previous years are subject to the annual household income eligibility amount for that fiscal year.

Grant Amounts
Combined with the $3,000 EBB grant, the Supplemental Grant will provide most eligible homeowners grants that may cover up to 100% of their retrofit costs. The amount of the grant you receive, if you qualify, will be based on whether your home needs a bolt-only retrofit or a brace and bolt retrofit, and where you live. The grant amount will be higher or lower depending on the average cost of completing your needed retrofit in your area.

Some home’s foundations may require more extensive work that can increase the cost of an earthquake retrofit.

The maximum amounts of the Supplemental Grants (after the $3,000 EBB grant) are:
•Northern California Bolt Only — $2,800*
•Northern California Brace + Bolt — $7,000*
•Southern California Bolt Only — $1,125
•Southern California Brace + Bolt — $2,650*

*If a homeowner qualifies for the EBB Grant AND the SG Grant, AND the total amount of the grants (EBB + SG) is $5,000 or more, AND the house is in a Special Flood Hazard Area, homeowner must:
•submit a signed, notarized and recorded Acknowledgement of Conditions for Mitigation of Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area with FEMA Grant Funds form attesting that they will adhere to the FEMA requirements before any EBB or SG incentive payment will be paid. This form can be found here, and
•provide a copy of their flood insurance policy to CRMP.

How to Apply For the Income-Eligible Supplemental Grant
If you meet the income-eligible requirement of earning $87,360* or less in annual household income:
•When registering for the EBB program, answer yes, that you do meet the income eligibility requirement.
•Wait for notification that you have been accepted into the EBB Program. 
oPlease note: to remain eligible for an EBB grant, you must not begin construction work or get a permit before you are accepted into the EBB program.
oAfter being accepted into the EBB program, you will be notified if you may apply for the Supplemental Grant.
•Fill out an Income Verification Form (IVF)** for every member of the household that is an income earner. It includes basic questions such as your name, spouse’s name (if applicable), single or joint tax filer, address and social security number or tax identification number. The IVF will be on your EBB Homeowner Dashboard.

•Submit the Income Verification Form within 30 days of acceptance into the EBB Program.
•EBB will review the IVF form and determine if you are eligible for the Supplemental Grant.
•If EBB notifies you that you are eligible to receive a Supplemental Grant, you may start the retrofit process as described in the EBB Program Rules.
**The Income Verification Form will be sent to a consulting firm with experience in verifying household income with the Internal Revenue Service. EBB will not be storing your sensitive income information.

How and When You Will Receive the Supplemental Grant
The EBB program is a reimbursement program, meaning the Participating Homeowner gets the EBB grant money after the retrofit has been completed and EBB has approved it. However, to help income-eligible homeowners with paying upfront costs, like getting a bid and a building permit, those who have been approved for a Supplemental Grant can request immediate reimbursement after paying for:

•Up to $250 for the cost of one contractor’s bid
•The full cost of the building permit

The dollar amount of the money you are reimbursed for the bid and permit will be subtracted from your overall total grant. You will receive the balance of your Supplemental Grant (and your EBB grant) when your retrofit has been completed, and it has been reviewed and approved by EBB.

Please note: In the event an application is withdrawn from the Supplemental Grant portion of EBB, any incentive payments already paid may be taxable at the federal level.

How the Income Eligibility Limit Was Determined
California  Insurance Code 1008.396 defines “income-eligible household” as a household that has an income at, or below, 80 percent of the median household income in California. Eighty percent of
California’s median income for 2023 is $87,360*. EBB uses this figure as the basis of determining eligibility for receiving a Supplemental Grant.
•Read the full Supplemental Grant Rules (PDF)
•Supplemental Grant Overview (PDF)

Registration is now OPEN for Earthquake Brace + Bolt Program! See If You Qualify

The EBB Registration Process

Would you like to receive up to $3,000 toward an earthquake retrofit of your house? The Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) program provides homeowners up to $3,000 to strengthen their home and lessen the potential for earthquake damage.

You may qualify for an additional Supplemental Grant on top of the $3,000 EBB grant. EBB is also offering a supplemental grant for income-eligible homeowners that will provide additional funding to help pay for your retrofit if you qualify.

Sign Up to be Notified When Registration Opens
Registration is open for a limited time each year. You can sign up to receive email notifications when registration opens:
Enter Email Address 
Register Online
Registering for the EBB program is a simple process:
•When the registration period is open, come to this website and go to the Registration page.
•Complete a list of qualifying questions, such as: What is your ZIP Code? and What year was your house built? 

oImportant! Be sure to completely and accurately answer the qualifying questions to make sure you are an eligible applicant and that your house qualifies.  The homeowner is responsible for verifying the information is correct. Grants may not be paid for a completed retrofit if the house actually doesn't qualify. 

Would you like to know what to expect? The registration qualification questions are available for you to review.
•If you want to be considered for the Supplemental Grant that provides funding in addition to the $3,000 EBB seismic retrofit grant, your household income must be $87,360 or less, and you must be willing to submit verification of income.
•If your house qualifies, complete your contact information and submit your registration form before registration closes (incomplete forms will not be accepted). If you are mailing a paper registration form, the form must be postmarked on or before the registration closing date.
•Having an issue entering your information online? No problem, just call Customer Service at (877) 232-4300.
•As an accommodation to individuals that need to have a third-party representative complete their registration for them, have your representative complete and submit this Registration Authorization Form (PDF) with your registration.

Selection and Notification Process
Once registration closes, an electronic system will randomly select homeowners from the submitted registration forms. Each application must be reviewed and approved by EBB.
During the selection and approval process, EBB will communicate with applicants by email and will be available to answer questions. All homeowners who successfully registered for the EBB program will be notified by email whether they have been selected to participate in the current program year, or whether they have been placed on the wait list. Throughout the program, EBB will include people from the wait list if spaces become available. Being placed on the wait list, however, does not guarantee eligibility or inclusion in future EBB grant programs.
Important! To remain eligible to receive the $3,000 grant and the EBB Supplemental Grant, you must not obtain a permit or begin retrofit construction work before being accepted into the program.
If registration is closed, sign up to receive email updates from EBB, and you will be notified when and where registration opens.
nd submit an electronic Payment Authorization Form.  

Learn More
•Owner-Builder Information
•CRMP-funded EBB Step by Step Retrofit Information (PDF)
•FEMA-funded EBB Step by Step Retrofit Information (PDF)
•FEMA-funded EBB Photo Samples (PDF)
•EBB Homeowner Retrofit Guide (PDF)

Registration is now OPEN for Earthquake Brace + Bolt Program! See If You Qualify

Accepted! What's Next

Getting Started
Once you have registered and have been notified you've been accepted into EBB, you will log on to your EBB Homeowner Dashboard. The Dashboard is where you will upload pre-retrofit and post-retrofit photos and documents for approval. The Dashboard will guide you through each step of your retrofit and notify you if you need to provide any additional information.

If you applied for the Supplemental Grant, you and all income earners that reside in the household, must complete the electronic Income Verification Form (Form) on your Dashboard within 30 days. Failure to submit the Form within 30 days of acceptance as an EBB Participating Homeowner will result in you forfeiting the opportunity to receive a Supplemental Grant.
You will have 12 weeks (or 90 days) to gather pre-retrofit photos and documents, and to either hire a contractor from EBB's Contractor Directory or decide to do the work yourself as an owner-builder.
From the time EBB reviews and approves the pre-retrofit documentation you've uploaded to your Dashboard, you will have six months (or 180 days) to complete your retrofit.
Steps to an EBB Retrofit

After your registration is complete, and you've been accepted into the program, you will have 12 weeks to complete Phase One of the EBB retrofit. To stay on track, you may wish to follow this suggested timeline:

You will have 12 weeks to submit the required pre-retrofit photos and documents, and choose how the retrofit work will be completed. Login and track your progress in your Homeowner Dashboard. 

If you are going to hire a contractor to do the retrofit work, you must choose one from EBB’s Contractor Directory of licensed contractors educated in seismic retrofitting.
•Contact contractors on the Contractor Directory and schedule appointments to get bids.
•Review What You Should Know Before Hiring a Contractor (PDF)

Interested in doing the work yourself? Learn more about what’s required of an Owner-Builder
Meet with contractors, receive and review bids.
•Check your Homeowner Dashboard to see if you need to get more than one bid.  

Select a contractor, or become the owner-builder and do the work yourself.
•If you hired a contractor, check your Homeowner Dashboard for instructions related to your bid(s).
•If you are an owner-builder, review these do-it-yourself tips. As an owner-builder, you become the general contractor for your project and assume complete responsibility for the overall job.  

AFTER you receive your EBB acceptance, get a building permit and upload it to your Homeowner Dashboard.
•Important! You must get the building permit after your EBB acceptance date. If your permit is dated prior to your acceptance date, you will be disqualified from EBB.
•Before you get your permit, check your Homeowner Dashboard for specific directions on what wording must be included on your building permit.
•If you hired a contractor, they can get the building permit for you.  

You or your contractor must upload these items to your Homeowner Dashboard for approval:
•Copy of your building permit
•Required photos of house exterior (Your Dashboard will provide you with specific instructions and examples of what’s required.)
•Three photos of the crawl space before retrofit
•Bid(s) if indicated on your Dashboard that it’s needed
•Proof of occupancy, such as a utility bill
•A completed W-9 form if indicated on your Dashboard that it’s needed
•If you are a Supplementary Grant (SG) recipient, and your total grant (EBB plus SG) is $5,000 or more, submit: 
oa signed, notarized, and recorded Special Flood Hazard Area Conditions form (PDF), and
•a copy of your flood insurance policy  

Important! To remain eligible to receive the EBB grant, do not begin your retrofit construction work before receiving EBB’s approval of your uploaded documents.

During this six month period, you'll complete the Brace + Bolt retrofit of your home. 
After EBB has approved your uploaded pre-retrofit documentation, you will have six months from that approval date to complete your retrofit.
•Instructions on your Homeowner Dashboard will guide you through this process.  

Within 30-days after completion of the retrofit, items must be submitted to EBB for payment using the online Homeowner Dashboard.

Gather final documents and upload them to your Homeowner Dashboard:
•Three photos of the crawl space showing the completed retrofit.
•Photos of the exterior of your house, if indicated on your Homeowner Dashboard. 

oImportant! Your Homeowner Dashboard will have exact instructions and examples for what must be included in your photos, or they will be rejected and you will need to resubmit before payment is approved for the grant.
•Two photos of water heater strapping. If water heater is tankless, take two photos showing a properly installed heater; no strapping necessary.
•One photo of the access to the crawl space.
•An image of the signed building permit after the retrofit is complete.
•Your contractor's invoice if a contractor did the work. Be sure the invoice is broken out by labor, materials, overhead and profit.
•If you are a do-it-yourselfer, provide all receipts, such as for your building permit and any building materials and supplies you've purchased.  

Incentive payments typically will be mailed within four weeks following final approval by EBB.
Follow directions on your Homeowner Dashboard for how to complete and submit an electronic Payment Authorization Form.  

Learn More
•Owner-Builder Information
•CRMP-funded EBB Step by Step Retrofit Information (PDF)
•FEMA-funded EBB Step by Step Retrofit Information (PDF)
•FEMA-funded EBB Photo Samples (PDF)
•EBB Homeowner Retrofit Guide (PDF)
Registration is now OPEN for Earthquake Brace + Bolt Program! See If You Qualify

提醒您,房屋因地震而受損是不涵蓋在房屋保險理賠範圍內,民眾須自費維修或重建的費用。 加州位處於地震多發地帶,建議民眾及早規劃地震保險,保護您的財產。
唐冠軍老師建議您,請您盡快聯絡【您的房屋保險公司或政府相關部門或您的建築師】來幫助你完成你的建築物更堅固 & 安全。


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