
來源:唐冠軍地產經紀 時間:08/28/2012 瀏覽: 2953


Precious advises to Success -- 17 secret codes

導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 17條

* Investments in real estates cannot be decided impulsively. It is not appropriate either to make a decision too rashly or too quickly with your heating enthusiasm. You have to slow down you paces to do some survey by checking you financial statements and calculating the possible gains and lose of your investment.
「房地產投資不要一頭熱,有時衝得太快太火也不妥,你也應當要停下腳步來檢討一番,查看一下你的財務報表,計算一下你投資的盈虧 才可以。」

* A manager or operator who doesn’t read or understand the company’s financial statements must be a most incompetent one. It will be very risky for you to let him handle the management of the company.
「一個不查看公司財務報表 或 看不懂財務報表的經營者,一定是一個最不稱職的經營者,若是你把公司的領導權 / 經營權放在他手裡,那肯定是一件很危險的事。」

* A good manager must be specialized in reading financial statements, otherwise he/she is not a good manager.

* Being able to read financial statements can not only reduce the risks of your strategy making, but also lead you to the successful road of making money.
「看得懂財務報表不但可降低你做決策的風險,而且可引領你走向成功 / 賺錢之路」。

* There are four forms in a financial statement: Income statement, asset, balance sheet, cash flow sheet, and shareholders statement. You must learn to read and understand them all.
「財務報表中的四大表格,損益表 、資產負債表、現金流量表、股東權益變動表,你一定要學會,而且要看得懂才行。」

* The fluctuation of the reward rate of investment in real estate is closely linked with the timing of investment.
「一個房地產投資報酬率的高低 與 房地產的投資的進場點 (時間點 ,TIMMING ) 息息相關。」

* To have a high efficiency in management, you need to seize the right time and control the opportunity for real estate investments besides your wisdom and strategies.
「想要經營效率高,除了要有聰明的智慧之外,還要知道把握房地產投資的時間 及 掌控房地產的投資機會 。」

* Investment in real estate is just like investment in stocks. The opportunity, subject and the purchase price are the most important factors, because they influence the success or failure of all investments.
「房地產的投資 與 股票的投資是一樣的,投資時機 、投資標地物與 購買價格最為重要,因為它們影響著一切投資的成敗。」

* If you want to speculate in housing prices, you should be sensible and cautious. Do not be too impulsive and follow others blindly, otherwise you will suffer a big loss.

* When opportunity comes along, you should seize it tightly and never let it fly away.

* When opportunity escapes, you should give it up as quickly as possible, so that you won’t get hurt badly.

* The timing of investment is so important that it can let you make a big fortune or suffer a big loss.
「投資的時間點 太重要了,有時它可讓你大發,有時它也可讓你賠大錢。」

* If you can observe the trend of real estate, the tendency of interest rate and also the change of economic and political situation, you will be able to control the timing and the opportunity of getting rich.
「如果你能看清楚房地產走勢、能看清楚利息走勢、能看清楚經濟及政局變化,你就能掌控投資的時間點 ,掌控到發財的機會。」

* If you check your financial statements frequently, you can avoid making mistakes and achieve a more successful career.
「 時時查看你的財務報表,可以避免你犯錯,也可幫助你事業更成功。」

* The speculative mood of the investors and the balance of supply and demand will decide the timing of rising and falling of the housing prices.
「投資人的投機心態 與 供需平衡,決定了房價漲跌的時機。」

* One who is contented with what he has achieved so far, will gradually retrogress and fail in the end. One who is unable to do self-reflection or self-criticism, to bring about new ideas, and to deal with emergencies, will never be able to control the future in the ever changing situation.
「滿足於眼前成功的人,通常只會逐漸走向失敗。 無法檢討自省、創新與應變的人,肯定他在變局中無法掌握大局。」

* Temporary success is not real success. Whoever is always ready to face the challenges of the unknown world will be the last winner.
「短暫的成功不算成功。 唯有準備好自己,且經得起未知世界挑戰的人,才會是最後勝利的那一個人。」




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