熱心服務 史丹福青睞

來源:陳凱寧 時間:10/05/2012 瀏覽: 3114


學業成績 吸睛關鍵

參與活動 在精不在多

寒暑假期間,他主動申請擔任伊州民意代表辦公室義工,以體驗政治事務的實際運作,他同時也積極投入社區服務的工作,例如到教會為貧民服務等。今年3月,陳凱寧更獲得總統學者獎,6月中與全美選出的100多位高中生,一起到華府接受頒獎。口才辨給的陳凱寧也是伊利諾州Hinsdale Central高中辯論隊員,是榮獲最佳全美高中辯論賽成績的主力戰將。儘管在學業功課繁忙之外,陳凱寧還能在課外活動中表現優異。「假使是敷衍性的為了申請大學有優勢,而未完全投入社團,也沒有成果展現,將無法看出學生領導素質,那麼參加這些課外活動,並不能為申請大學加分」。活動項目若都有關連性,更能展現自己在課堂學習之外的熱情與才華,名校特別重視的學生特質,如果學生對課外活動充滿熱情,就容易在社區服務中落實。

Pursue Activities You Really Care About

By Robert Chun The elite college admission process is one of the most grueling experiences a high school student can endure. This is greatly due to the mysterious nature of the college admissions system. For families entering the process for the first time, college admissions can seem confusing, inconsistent, and intimidating.
What follows is one high school senior’s advice on how to navigate and succeed in college admissions. It’s not perfect or exact—but neither is the college admissions process.
I would first like to address some fundamental principles that colleges use to select students. Essentially, elite colleges are looking for very strong students who are committed to challenging themselves and pursuing their passions inside and outside of the classroom. Indeed, the most successful students are those who have a genuine (sometimes eccentric) passion that they explore at a high level.The great thing is that these passions and endeavors can take any manner of form—from computer science to creative writing to politics. Mine was a love for political involvement, but many other students have interests ranging from modern physics to magic shows.
Academics Still Matter

Despite the importance of extracurricular passion, academic achievement is still the most important threshold that every application must clear. For colleges, academic scores serve to determine if a student will be successful at school.There is almost zero difference between a student with a perfect GPA and a high GPA, and even fewer differences between high-range SAT scores. While there are no cut-off scores, academics serve as a gatekeeper for the rest of the process.
The first document examined by the colleges will be your high school transcript. They are looking for two things:First, they want to see that you took maximum advantage of the academic opportunities that your high school provided. If your high school provided AP classes, elite colleges will expect that you took all the ones offered. It’s about opportunities and how a student takes advantage of those opportunities.Second, they are looking for high grades. Again, this is to ensure that you will be academically successful at a particular college.
Standardized Test Scores

The second component that will be examined is your standardized test score. There are two major tests: the ACT and the SAT. It does not matter which one you take. As long as your college or university accepts both, a high score on either will be perfectly sufficient.
Recently, parents have been registering their children for expensive preparation classes. So should you take such classes?The answer is fairly simple. The best way for most students to prepare is not a class. Classes are often taught in large groups that cannot cater to the needs of an individual student. Rather, the best way is to buy a book of practice tests (preferably published by the actual test-maker). Each book contains close to ten practice tests that students can take.
This individual approach requires the student to exert motivation and self-discipline. Forcing oneself to take a three hour test on a Saturday morning is difficult, and not all students are up to the challenge. If you feel you need a teacher to make you take practice tests, then sign up for a class.
Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities serve a purpose that test scores cannot achieve, which is to show a student’s capacity for genuine passion, learning, and service. Although I will be discussing some of my extracurricular activities here, remember that your passions, and thus your activities, will vary.
From an early age, I’ve always had a deep passion for politics and current events. So when I went to high school, I took every available opportunity to become involved in the political process. By my senior year, I had worked on multiple political campaigns, written monthly political columns in the school newspaper, and served as co-president of my school’s political club. Moreover, I had taken my love for political activism to the community, where I volunteered and worked with the local poor.
Do What You Care About

I viewed these activities as my application’s most important strength. Every activity that I did in high school was something that I genuinely liked doing. No matter where your passions lie, if you relentlessly explore them, you will find yourself with incredible opportunities. But if you’re not having fun while doing so, you’re going about it the wrong way.
Colleges do not want to see a laundry list of clubs and activities that you do. They want to see quality activities that you truly love. If your activities tend to take place in school, leadership positions can indicate that you take your extracurricular responsibilities seriously.Finally, try to think outside the box. If you have a passion for science, take it out into the community! Teach a class, raise awareness, and make the world a better place with your talents. And always make sure you are enjoying your work.
College Selection Process

Ironically, this is the least mentioned (but most important) part of the college process. You need to go to an institution that you genuinely like. As difficult as it may seem, put away the name brands and reputations. It is absolutely essential that a college is a good fit for you—both personally and academically.Try to create a list of potential schools that includes “reach” schools and “likely” schools. The list can be as short or long as you wish. And if you have any opportunity whatsoever, visit the schools.
When visiting schools, you should attend the tour and information session. But the most important activity is talking to current students. Parents can listen to the conversations, but it’s often better for the student to talk to current students alone, as peers. Current students are often very eager to talk about their school, and they are the best source of honest, unfiltered information.
Robert Chun graduated this year from his high school near Chicago. He will attend Stanford University this fall.




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