過關斬將 11名校競邀

來源:王德龍 時間:10/05/2012 瀏覽: 2323

我必須聲明,我並非專業的大學輔導員,也絕非神童。但我最近接到十一所知名大學的錄取通知,包括哈佛、史丹佛、普林斯頓和耶魯等,我希望 (除了我的個人經歷以外)以我個人的經驗,針對正在申請大學的高中生和家長提供建議,希望能夠有所幫助。

 我學到最重要的一點是,大學錄取制度之複雜實在無法解釋,有時甚至令人火冒三丈。有時候當我看到共同申請表(Common Application)網站上,所有代表還未填寫之補充資料的黃色方格時,仍忍不住怒火中燒。不輕易失去希望





Maintain Perspective On Life and the Admission Process

By David Wang Disclaimer: I am no professional college counselor, nor am I a child prodigy by any stretch of the imagination. I was asked to provide perspective on the college admissions game, having recently clawed acceptance letters from eleven colleges and universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, and Yale. I hope that the tips I give can be beneficial to at least a few of the high school students, and no doubt their parents, out there.
More than anything, I’ve learned that the college admissions system is inexplicable, unexplainable, and occasionally infuriating. There were moments when I looked at the Common Application website and all the yellow squares indicating supplements yet to be written with nothing less than hate.
The Proper Perspective

There is no way to predict or assess what a school’s Board of Admissions will be searching for among the piles of applications. There will be casualties, enormously qualified candidates who, for some inexplicable reason, do not get the acceptances they deserve.
The very randomness of the admissions game can make you bitter, can drain you of hope if you so allow it. The best advice I can give you is to take the absurdity of the system in stride, to hope for the best but never to allow your happiness to depend upon whatever result may come about.
Passion and Commitment

In your extracurricular activities, make meaningful involvement your foremost priority. Don’t spend as much time fretting about the accolades, honors, and awards. Concentrate on fostering a passion for the activities you decide to engage in and the rest will follow naturally. Certainly, excellence in your endeavors is not overlooked, but what truly impresses colleges is commitment, commitment that belies the current trend of mindless resume building, of students doing things simply because they believe that is what colleges want to see.
That being said, choosing your activities with an eye towards advancement and recognition opportunities would be a smart idea. Pursuits with clear paths from local to regional, state, and national levels, such as Speech and Debate or Science Research, should occupy the majority of whatever time you devote to extracurricular activities.
Good Student, Good Citizen

Be sure to balance academic-oriented activities with a few service-based activities you can be truly enthusiastic about. It is no longer enough to be an excellent student; you must show that you are a thoughtful citizen with a desire to take action for the benefit of those around you, whether they be students at a local elementary school or residents of an impoverished community halfway across the world.Begin activities in your areas of interest early and stick with them. A major component of the Common Application asks you to check off not only the leadership positions and accomplishments of your listed activity, but also the amount of years you devoted. Start early and strive to be the best.
Essays Reveal the Real You

Essays have become one of the most important components of any college application. It is only within your essay that colleges can gauge the true essence of the applicant, something they cannot assess by glancing at your transcript or standardized test scores.A strong essay is centered upon a story that sheds light upon your value system or character. Finding the right topic is usually challenging and several rewrites may be required before you find the perfect subject for which you have something incredibly potent and powerful to share. Your goal should be to show how a particular experience highlights your strengths, your positive attitude and grace under pressure, for example, or perseverance through incredible difficulties.
Your View of the World

A basic structure to follow includes a description of the experience, followed by personal reflection and concluded with a final awareness of a universal truth. The conclusion can often be the most difficult part to write and may include additional insight into the subject, a clear change in your view of the world, and perhaps a grand epiphany. Namely, how did the topic of your essay shed light onto who you are as a person, your goals, and the worldview you’ve come to embody?
Begin your essays early and allow them to simmer before you edit and proofread. Allow other readers to offer suggestions, but not to force changes upon your writing: your essay should be your vision, and yours alone.
My Future in Medicine

At Harvard, I plan to enter the Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology concentration. Biomedical studies has always enticed me because of the vast unknown that still exists to be explored.
I wish to be at the forefront of this evolving field, engaging in research for the benefit of society, for as we grow older, our ability to help others, to effect change on a truly meaningful scale, grows with us, and it becomes our duty to utilize this capacity to the utmost. I recognize the potential of medical research as a platform for helping others, for each discovery and advance in medicine provides an answer to a long-asked question.



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