聖誕節將至,大家忙 於購買聖誕禮物給身邊所愛的人,在送禮方面,我們也可以送一些有益健康的禮物,讓所愛的人有個健康的節日!
*健康烹飪書籍,學習烹調健 康又美味的食物。
*George Foreman 烤架 - 享受無油烹調。
*爆米花機加牛油味醬料 - 不攝取脂肪也能享受食物的美味。
*乳酪製作器 - 在日常飲食中加入益生菌,讓消化系統更健康。
*茶及茶製品 - 研究表示綠茶能幫助減重。
*沙拉醬攪拌器(salad spinner) - 能節省沙拉醬料。
*不同種類的運動光碟,例 如:拉丁健身舞、普拉提(pilates)
*一星期的私人廚師或健康餐 計劃
Healthy Holiday Gifts Ideas
When you're shopping for your loved ones, why not thinking the healthy way?
Here are some suggestions:
Healthy cooking accessories:
*Healthy Cook Books - learn to prepare tasty but guilt-free dishes
*George Foreman Grill - oil-free cooking
*popcorn air-popper with butter flavored sprinkles - get the taste without the fat
*yogurt maker - increase probiotics in your diet for digestive health
*tea and tea accessories - study shows green tea helps with weight loss
*salad spinner - save on dressings
Exercise accessories:
Exercise that can be easily done at home
*Exercise video e.g. Zumba fitness, pilates
*Elastic bands
*Wii Sports
Gift Certificates:
*dance / yoga classes
*personal training / gym membership
*spa treatments / massage
*healthy cooking lessons
*weight management program
*a personal chef for a week
*healthy meal programs