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《吳希素營養師專欄》吃得出「色」- 類胡蘿蔔素


橙黃色的蔬果含有類 胡蘿蔔素。β-胡蘿蔔素是其中一種類胡蘿蔔素,也是維生素A的前驅物,所以它能轉換成維生素A。維生素A能保障細胞膜,更能保護眼 晴,預防視力減退。

類胡蘿蔔素有高抗氧 化能力,能抵擋形成老化的自由基10-20次的攻擊。科學家指出含有類胡蘿蔔素的食物能減少患上癌症、冠心病及強化免疫系統的功能。

以下為類胡蘿蔔素的 其他好處:

有效預防皮膚受到紫外線的 傷害。

強化人體免疫系統,從而增 強抵抗力。


預防眼睛因老化而造成黃斑 部病變。

柑橘類水果不能提供 大量的維生素A,但它們含有大量維生素C和葉酸,能減低嬰兒患有先天性缺陷的風險。

橙黃色的食物中含有 豐富的類胡蘿蔔素,如胡蘿蔔、黃/橙色燈籠椒、南瓜、芒果、橘子等。類胡蘿蔔素的吸收方法與茄紅素相同,要經過煮、燉等方 法才能釋放當中的β—胡蘿蔔素。要達到食療作用,每天只需吃3-6盎司含有類胡蘿蔔素的食物便可。

Eat Right with Color - Orange, Yellow for Carotenoids

Orange/yellow fruits and vegetables are colored by the natural plant pigment called "carotenoids". Beta-carotene is one of the Carotenoids and is the precursor of Vitamin A, so it can convert into Vitamin A in human body. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and healthy eyes.

Carotenoids is a powerful antioxidant which help to eliminate free radicals. Scientists have reported that carotenoid-rich foods can help reduce risk of cancer, heart disease and can improve immune system function.

Other benefits of carotenoids:

Prevent the UV damage of skin

Strengthen and enhance our immune system

Increase the sensitivity of retinal photoreceptors

Prevent the macular degeneration caused by aging

Citrus fruits like oranges are not a good source of vitamin A. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birthdefects.

The absorption of carotenoid is similar with lycopene, the β-carotene can be released by boiling, stewing, masticate, or cooking the plant. Limit storage of fruits and vegetables. Once plants containing carotenoids are pulled from the vine, their active antioxidants gradually lose their potency. The recommendation is to have 3-6 ounces of orange/yellows fruits and vegetables per day.

Examples of Orange/Yellow fruits and vegetables are carrots, yellow /orange bell pepper, pumpkin and mango.
