《吳希素營養師專欄》吃得出「色」- 藍紫色/白色
Eat Right with Color - Blue, Purple & White
Colorful fruits and vegetables help to fight cancers! Come and meet Hazel the Dietitian and the HealthyCuisine Team this Saturday the American Cancer Society Event "Relay for Life"
at the Live Oak Park in Temple City.
Blue/purple fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "anthocyanins." Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. They may help reduce risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Anthocyanins were found to have the strongest anti-inflammatory effect of any flavonoid tested.
Examples of the blue/purple group: Grapes, Blackberries, Blueberries, Eggplant, Figs, Plums, Prunes.
White fruits and vegetables are colored by pigments called "anthoxanthins." They may contain health-promoting chemicals such as allicin, a famous chemical in Onions, which may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and may help reduce risk of stomach cancer and heart disease. Banana and potatoes from the white group are also a good source of Potassium.
Some examples of the white group include: Bananas
Turnips, Cauliflower, Garlic, Ginger, Jicama, Mushrooms, Onions, Potatoes.
If you are interested to meet with the registered dietitian, please contact 626-283-5128. We are now accepting some insurances, please call for details.
吃得出「色」- 藍紫色/白色
不同顏色的蔬菜和水果都能有效對抗癌症!想 對預防癌症有更多認識,請於4月16日(星期六)參加由美國癌症協會於Temple City Live Oak 公園舉辦的南加州華人抗癌接力遊園會,界時吳希素註冊營養師及美康膳團隊將在場分享營養資訊,詳情請瀏覽
藍色和紫色的蔬果含有天然植物色素「花青 素」。「花青素」的抗氧化能力極強,能保護細胞避免受到自由基的攻擊,從而能減低患上癌症、中風和心臟病的風險。類黃酮當中的「花 青素」更有最強的抗發炎效果。
藍紫色的蔬果包括:葡萄、藍莓、茄子、無花 果、梅子、李子(西梅)。
白色的蔬果含有天然植物色素「花黃素」。 「花黃素」含有促進人體健康的營養素,如大蒜素(大多存於洋蔥或大蒜中),能有效減低膽固醇和血壓水平,更能減低患上胃癌和心臟病的 風險。白色的蔬果中的香蕉和馬鈴薯更是鉀質的重要來源。
其他白色的蔬果包括:洋蔥、大蒜、薑、蘑 菇、白蘿蔔、花椰菜、沙葛(豆薯)、馬鈴薯、香蕉。
如有任何營養諮詢,可致電626-283-5128 與吳希素註冊營養師聯絡,我們正在接受某些保險,詳情請致電查詢。