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Can Frozen Yogurt be counted as a Dairy Serving?

We all need about 2-3 servings of Dairy a day to make a balanced diet. There are studies support that Calcium in dairy products have positive effects in weight loss.

So, what's considered as a Dairy product?

Here's the definition from the USDA:

"All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group. Most Dairy Group choices should be fat-free or low-fat. Foods made from milk that retain their calcium content are part of the group. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream, and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the Dairy Group."

Some commonly eaten choices in the Dairy Group are:

**All Fluid Milk: Choose Skim or 1%, avoid sweetened, flavored milk

**Cheese: All hard, soft and processed cheeses: for example 1/3 cup cheddar count as 1 cup of dairy, 2 slices Swiss (3/4 oz each) count as 1 cup dairy

**Yogurt: All yogurt made with Milk or Soy milk: 8 oz count as 1 cup of dairy. Watch out the sugary contents of Yogurt and Drinkable Yogurt, choose light style to avoid too much added sugar

**Milk based Desserts:Frozen Yogurt: 1/2 cup (4oz) count as 1/2 cup dairy. Pudding made with milk: 1/2 cup count as 1/2 cup dairy. Although these desserts can be low-fat or fat-free, they can still be loaded with sugar. It is recommended not to use milk-based desserts to satisfied your Dairy requirement on a daily basis. They should be "sometimes" food.

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs? Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email to hazel@smarteater.net.








**奶酪:所有硬奶酪,軟奶酪和經過處理的奶酪,例如:1 / 3杯切達乾酪(cheddar)等於1杯牛奶,而2片瑞士乾酪(每片約3/ 4盎司)等於1杯牛奶。


**牛奶為主的甜品:1/2 杯(4盎司)的急凍優乳酪等於 1 /2杯牛奶。而1/2杯牛奶製的布丁等於1/2 杯牛奶。


