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How to Build a Healthy Meal


How to Build a Healthy Meal
National Nutrition Month is just around the corner, let's review the 10 tips on how to build a healthy meal based on the new "My Plate" guidelines:

1. Make half of your plate veggies and fruits
-choose red, orange, and dark green veggies.

2. Add lean protein
-choose lean beef and pork, chicken, turkey, beans, or tofu, and seafood.

3. Include whole grains
-make at least half of your grains whole grains.

4. Don't forget the dairy
-use fat-free or low-fat milk or use unsweetened soy beverage.

5. Avoid extra fat
-be careful of toppings like heavy sauces or gravies

6. Take your time
-eat slowly, enjoy the taste and textures.

7. Use a smaller plate
-an easy way to control portions

8. Eat at home more often
-so you know exactly what you're eating. When eat out, choose healthier options such as baked, grilled, roasted.

9. Try new foods
-keep it interesting and find fun and tasty recipes online.

10. Satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way
-indulge in a naturally sweet dessert dish - fruit!
Try fresh fruit cocktail or a fruit parfait or smoothie made with yogurt

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs?
Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email to hazel@smarteater.net.


1. 蔬菜和水果的份量佔餐盤的一半

2. 選擇瘦肉類的蛋白質

3. 含全穀類食物

4. 攝取乳製品

5. 避免過多脂肪

6. 享受食物

7. 用面積較小的盤子盛食物

8. 盡量避免外出用膳

9. 嘗試新口味

10. 吃甜點也能健康
-享受天然的甜品盤 - 水果!

