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每週營養資訊 - 份量愈大,體重愈輕?!






  • 含水量高的食物 - 含水量愈高的食物,通常熱量都較低。例如:蔬菜,低脂奶制品,水果,粗糧,燕麦片等。這些食物通常也含有高纖維。
  • 低脂食物 - 多選擇瘦肉和低脂奶制品。限制高脂的醬汁和調味料。
  • 减少攝入糖份 - 含糖飲料大多含有高熱量,而且沒有飽肚感。如汽水和能量飲料。
  • 多選擇「空氣食物」 - 選擇會膨脹的零食,如原味爆米花;多選擇噴灑式的低脂奶油或噴灑式的沙拉醬,「空氣食物」能控制份量,而且能增加食物的份量。

  • 有飽肚感的低熱量餐: 2/3杯炒蛋加入蔬菜和火雞培根 + 1杯燕麥片加入切碎的乾果 + 1杯草莓 + 1= 391千卡熱量,脂肪17克(飽和脂肪3克),膽固醇13毫克,鈉質287毫克,纖维9克,蛋白質19克杯綠茶
  • 沒有飽肚感覺高熱量餐: 1/2肉桂 + 甜比高圈加2餐匙奶油 + 6盎司冷冰咖啡= 400千卡,脂肪17.5克(飽和脂肪10克),膽固醇61毫克,鈉質328毫克,纖维2克,蛋白質12.5克。
想學習如何制訂適合的營養減肥計劃嗎?請致電 626-283-5128與吳希素註冊營養師預約免費體重分析及訂立減重目標,或電郵至hazel@smarteater.net

Go Bigger Portions to Lose Weight ?!

You can eat the satisfying amount of foods and still lose weight !

Yes, studies show people get full by the amount of food they eat, so if you pick foods that have less calories per bite, you can eat until you're full without worrying about weight gain!

In a study of 71 obese women, those who ate the volumetric ways (high volume but with less calories) lost 33 percent more weight in 6 months compared with those who focused on reducing fat intake. They eat 25%more food by weight too!
How to pick foods with less calories per bite (low calorie-dense food)? here are some tips:

  • More water content - the more water in a food, the less calorie dense it usually is. Examples are vegetables, low-fat dairy, fruits, and whole grains that cooked in water, such as oatmeal. They're high in fiber which will make you full easily.
  • Less fat - choosing lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Limit high fat sauces and seasonings.
  • Reduce sugar - sugary drinks such as soda and energy drinks are biggest source of added sugar in the diet. They contains lots of calories but don't contribute to fullness.
  • Get air - a puffed snacks like plain popcorn, choose whipped butter/cream (light), or salad spray, you get a bigger portion per calorie compared to a similar food without added air.
An example for a low-calorie density meal and a high calorie density meal:
  • Feel-full meal
2/3 cup scrambled eggs with veggies and turkey bacon + 1 cup cooked oatmeal with 7 chopped walnut halves + 1 cup strawberries + 1 cup green tea = 391 kcal, 17 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 13 mg cholesterol, 287 sodium, 9 g fiber, 19 g protein


  • Feel-hungry meal
1/2 cinnamon + sugar bagel with 2 tablespoons cream cheese + 6 oz frozen blended coffee drink = 400 kcal, 17.5 g fat (10 g saturated fat), 61 mg cholesterol, 328 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 12.5 g protein.

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs?

Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email to hazel@smarteater.net.
