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“貝氏女康寶”常保女性青春 安渡多事之秋


秋季是金黃色豐收的季節,在中秋月圓、丹桂飄香的時候,秋涼也會悄悄襲來。人到壯年鼎盛之時,更年期也會接踵而至,它是人體生命歷程趨向老年的一個轉折。有人說更年期是多事之秋,就象愁人的秋風秋雨,給人投下心理生理上的陰影。其實,更年期的波動,是體內性激素的“退潮”反應。 性激素的退潮,女性多在45-55歲左右。這段時間裡, 卵巢逐漸衰退萎縮,雌激素和黃體素水準下降,性腺功能降低,直至排卵停止,月經斷絕,這就是女子的更年期,又稱絕經期。

有幾位四十多歲的不育症婦女,經貝醫師用“貝氏女康寶”等秘方細緻調治後,隨著生殖功能的調正和返老還童,竟然妊娠得子,實現當媽媽的美夢。看她們紅嫩嬌嫩的臉容,和擁吻孩子的美姿,活生生就是一個年輕母親,那有近五十歲的影子?多好的中秋之年啊!經過“貝氏女康寶”的長期調理,願更多的中青年女性,永葆青春的柔嫩嬌美;讓更多的更年期婦女,尋取人生的第二青春。月圓夢亦圓,金色丰采的年華每天都在眼前,讓衰老靠邊站吧! 產品:由美國 FDA 檢驗合格的藥廠附合 GMP 的標準製造,在美國臨床驗證和保健產品市場經銷。

Bei American Health Inc

Menopause is a normal, natural event, defined as the final menstrual period and usually confirmed when a woman has missed her periods for several consecutive months. Menopause is associated with reduced functioning of the ovaries due to aging, resulting in lower levels of estrogen and other hormones. It marks the permanent end of fertility. The years between puberty (when periods start) and menopause are called premenopause.

Bei’s Herb is an alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy as a way of treating uncomfortable menopausal problems, such as hot flushes and even bone loss. The menopause in women is associated with the body's stage in life when levels of the hormone oestrogen decrease. It is common for the menopause to occur at about 50 years of age among western women. A reduction in production of oestrogen can be associated with bone loss. Less severe symptoms include hot flushes among menopausal women the world over. Now Bei’s Herb can help with all of the above symptoms. Those who took Bei’s Herb for just three months had much less menopausal symptoms, including hot flushes and neck and shoulder stiffness.
