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【理财】如果AI 機器人搶走了您的主動收入 | 唐冠軍地產投資專家

04/05/2024     興商房地產

如果AI 機器人搶走了您的主動收入


如果機器人幫助你完成50%的工作。您的工作能效率可以增加2 倍,換句話說,您就可以輕鬆完成上級交付的任務,省下一大半。這樣你就可以一人當二人用。這時您就可能奪走了另一個人的工作機會。(他可能是你同事或同行中的競爭者)。此事會不會發生,我想它一定會發生。如果此事在2年之內發生,失業的人群中,就有50%可能就是您,剩下的50 %就是您的同事或同行競爭者,這事值得您深思與「未雨綢繆、防患於未然」。即然你主動收入已經不那麼可靠了,這時你就應該提早準備好,一個抵抗失業潮的備胎,也就是你的被動收入。用被動收入來補足你失去的主動收入,這就是你對抗AI智能的唯一救命良方。  

唐老師推廣「零成本、零風險」的被動收入法,將「成本歸零、貸款歸零、月供歸零、費用歸零、損失歸零、風險歸零、稅賦歸零、失敗歸零、煩惱歸零、憂慮歸零 」、「用無限大的被動收入,來替代你逐漸萎縮的主動收入」。


2. 挑戰您的被動收入平均每年20萬至200萬元」,


舉例;洛杉磯縣202442023日的「欠稅屋拍賣大會」,https://www.bid4assets.com/storefront/LosAngelesApr24,這次約有800個項目上市(包括房子、土地),讓您有機會,「用半價就可買到全價屋的房子」。如果您想用「成本歸零」+  「空手套白狼的方法」,來實現您的美國夢,讓您有一個永續的被動收入。





唐冠軍老  626-347-9459




2024 4月、5月,加州欠稅屋拍賣大會日期如下;

County of Los Angeles,  April 20日至23

County of Riverside, April 25日至30

  • San Joaquin County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 8th - 9th
  • Lassen County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 10th - 13th
  • Siskiyou County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 10th - 13th
  • Tuolumne County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 10th - 13th
  • Madera County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 11th - 14th
  • Stanislaus County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 13th - 15th
  • Modoc County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction - * May 17th - 20th
  • Yolo County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 17th - 20th
  • Monterey County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction May 25th - 29th
  • Lake County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction - * May 31st - June 4th

·         ·  Butte County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction June 7th - 10th

·         ·  Santa Cruz County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction June 7th - 10th

·         ·  Santa Barbara, CA Tax Defaulted Properties Auction June 18th - 20th


20244, County of Los Angeles, 一共約835個拍賣項目


Bid4Assets: Los Angeles County, CA Tax Defaulted Properties ..

Deposit Instructions. The Treasurer and Tax Collector of Los Angeles County is offering 835 parcels for auction online. Bids start as low as $1,664.00. These are all NO RESERVE auctions! Preview Now!

* Please allow popups from bid4assets.com to download the property list for this sale.

Auction Folders

APNs 2004004028 thru 2278014011 - Closing at 11:00 AM ET (8:00 AM PT)

APNs 2293009015 thru 2569012021 - Closing at 11:10 AM ET (8:10 AM PT)

APNs 2569012022 thru 2829025032 - Closing at 11:20 AM ET (8:20 AM PT)

APNs 2829025037 thru 2845031025 - Closing at 11:30 AM ET (8:30 AM PT)

APNs 2845031034 thru 3032010028 - Closing at 11:40 AM ET (8:40 AM PT)

APNs 3032013044 thru 3040030019 - Closing at 11:50 AM ET (8:50 AM PT)

APNs 3040030026 thru 3056002052 - Closing at 12:00 PM ET (9:00 AM PT)

APNs 3056007041 thru 3063003009 - Closing at 12:10 PM ET (9:10 AM PT)

APNs 3063005094 thru 3075011014 - Closing at 12:20 PM ET (9:20 AM PT)

APNs 3076009019 thru 3082029027 - Closing at 12:30 PM ET (9:30 AM PT)

APNs 3083005038 thru 3111005027 - Closing at 12:40 PM ET (9:40 AM PT)

APNs 3111005030 thru 3145014033 - Closing at 12:50 PM ET (9:50 AM PT)

APNs 3145017020 thru 3162018013 - Closing at 1:00 PM ET (10:00 AM PT)

APNs 3162028006 thru 3219001067 - Closing at 1:10 PM ET (10:10 AM PT)

APNs 3219007048 thru 3233017018 - Closing at 1:20 PM ET (10:20 AM PT)

APNs 3234011003 thru 3260024004 - Closing at 1:30 PM ET (10:30 AM PT)

APNs 3261002049 thru 3266022024 - Closing at 1:40 PM ET (10:40 AM PT)

APNs 3267005005 thru 3272011108 - Closing at 1:50 PM ET (10:50 AM PT)

APNs 3272013106 thru 3279004029 - Closing at 2:00 PM ET (11:00 AM PT)

APNs 3302016036 thru 3314011051 - Closing at 2:10 PM ET (11:10 AM PT)

APNs 3314013028 thru 3326004057 - Closing at 2:20 PM ET (11:20 AM PT)

APNs 3326004091 thru 3338005028 - Closing at 2:30 PM ET (11:30 AM PT)

APNs 3338007010 thru 3346014004 - Closing at 2:40 PM ET (11:40 AM PT)

APNs 3346027041 thru 3366007011 - Closing at 2:50 PM ET (11:50 AM PT)

APNs 3366009001 thru 3384009004 - Closing at 3:00 PM ET (12:00 PM PT)

APNs 3384013035 thru 5013001011 - Closing at 3:10 PM ET (12:10 PM PT)

APNs 5034004004 thru 5869007018 - Closing at 3:20 PM ET (12:20 PM PT)

APNs 6003002005 thru 6383039010 - Closing at 3:30 PM ET (12:30 PM PT)

APNs 6387004003 thru 7428034019 - Closing at 3:40 PM ET (12:40 PM PT)

APNs 7431027011 thru 8520018017 - Closing at 3:50 PM ET (12:50 PM PT)

APNs 8523007011 thru 8760015023 - Closing at 4:00 PM ET (1:00 PM PT)


正確選擇大於辛苦努力。   聰明智慧大於满腦知識。

被動收入強過主動收入。  投資收入勝過勞力收入。




關於 興商房地產