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楊清泉律師專欄-DISCHARGING-INCOME-TAXES-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 Let’s look at rule 1, the three year rule. This is Section 523(a)(1)(A) of the bankruptcy code that ...
楊清泉律師專欄-DISCHARGING-INCOME-TAXES-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Many people have the mistaken belief that back due income taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy b...
楊清泉-KEEPING-BOAT-CAMPER-TRAILER-TRACTOR-MIGHT-BE-ABUSIVE-IN-CHAPTER-7-PART-2 The 11th Circuit said this reading of Section 707(b)(3) was too narrow. “Moreover, although the Witc...
楊清泉-KEEPING-BOAT-CAMPER-TRAILER-TRACTOR-MIGHT-BE-ABUSIVE-IN-CHAPTER-7-PART-1 If you look at a boat, a camper, a trailer and a tractor separately and as individual items they may...
楊清泉-BK-RULE-9011-DOES-NOT-PREVENT-PURSUIT-OF-CLAIM-DESPITE-WINNING-DEFENSE-PART2 In Re Damask, the debtors leased real property from the defendants. After the debtors filed for bank...
楊清泉-BK-RULE-9011-DOES-NOT-PREVENT-PURSUIT-OF-CLAIM-DESPITE-WINNING-DEFENSE-PART1 There are adversary complaints that creditors can file and pursue against debtors who file for bankr...
楊清泉律師專欄-第13章申請表應與入息審查中的可支配收入相應 允許入息審查的實際費用和開支之間總是有衝突的。實際支出通常超過所允許的入息審查。實際支出和入息審查支出之間,以後者為準,來計算可支配收入。人均可支配收入是純收入減去允許的可抵扣費用,使用IRS入息審查...
楊清泉律師專欄-PLAN-SHOULD-CORRESPOND-WITH-DISPOSABLE-INCOME-OF-MEANS-TEST-PART-2 In Re Grabarczyk, the debtors had three children, ages nine, seven, and four. They initially filed f...
楊清泉律師專欄-PLAN-SHOULD-CORRESPOND-WITH-DISPOSABLE-INCOME-OF-MEANS-TEST-PART-1 There is always a conflict between actual expenses and expenses allowed in the means test. Actual ex...
楊清泉律師-HUSBAND-LOSES-9-000-TO-BK-TRUSTEE-WHEN-BRIDE-FILES-FOR-CHAPTER-7-PART-2 In Re Kuhl, the debtor and her husband were married on November 11, 2011. Four days later, the debto...
楊清泉律師-HUSBAND-LOSES-9-000-TO-BK-TRUSTEE-WHEN-BRIDE-FILES-FOR-CHAPTER-7-PART-1 The advantage of a prenuptial agreement is clear when one of the spouses files for Chapter 7 bankrup...
楊清泉律師專欄-債務人可以迫使銀行查封自己的房子嗎 為什麼一個債務人要迫使銀行取消抵押品贖回權在他的房子?最近,洛杉磯時報“刊登了一篇關於一個人在2009年申請第7章破產。他購買了一套共渡公寓的閣樓在洛杉磯小東京$ 670000,是零頭款買的。他每月按...
楊清泉律師專欄-IS-DEFALCATION-BY-FIDUCIARY-DISCHARGEABLE-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 The state court found that the debtor did not have a malicious motive (everyone wants a new house in...
楊清泉律師專欄-IS-DEFALCATION-BY-FIDUCIARY-DISCHARGEABLE-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Defalcation is an act of misappropriating funds that were entrusted to a person. The person who is e...
楊清泉律師專欄-IS-INHERITED-IRA-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 In Re Seeling, in May 2007, the debtor inherited half of a tax deferred annuity account. She rolled ...

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