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SEXUAL-HARASSMENT-DAMAGES-NOT-DISCHARGEABLE-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 After the debtor filed for bankruptcy protection, the plaintiff filed an adversary proceeding to cha...
SEXUAL-HARASSMENT-DAMAGES-NOT-DISCHARGEABLE-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Let’s say that you’re a man who loves women and you own a business distributing lingerie. You requir...
FAILURE-TO-SCHEDULE-RENTAL-INCOME-MAY-BE-BAD-FAITH-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 But there was indeed rental income. So what’s going on? The US Trustee noted that the couple’s 2009 ...
FAILURE-TO-SCHEDULE-RENTAL-INCOME-MAY-BE-BAD-FAITH-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Section 707 of the bankruptcy code provides for the court’s authority to dismiss a bankruptcy case f...
楊清泉律師專欄-破產法第13章可以偏袒共同債務人嗎 共同債務人是與債務人一樣負有相同的法律責任。例如:你從某某銀行借50萬美元,你的父親簽署了一份擔保檔,他保證這$50,000 的貸款等,如果你不支付的話,他將支付。你用這筆錢購買餐廳但失敗了。當你申請...
楊清泉律師專欄-債務問題-PART-2 Debtor did not deny that the transfers were made, but said he did not intend to defraud the Plaintif...
楊清泉律師專欄-債務問題-PART-1 Imagine you won the new Prius in your church lottery. Instead of keeping the car, you sold it for $2...
楊清泉-房地產價值-在銷售淒慘時必須考慮的因素 住宅的公平市場價值 現在已經成為一個熱門話題,因為破產第13章剝離第二留置權的案例。住宅的第二留置權,如果是絕對沒有淨值的第二留置權可能被剝奪。為了說明這一點,住宅的公平市場價值為30萬美元。第一按揭...
楊清泉-對沒有按時接受信用輔導的債務人給予免債 新的破產法規定,個人的債務人在破產申請之日算起前180天期間必須獲得信用輔導。這是強制性的。緊急狀況才能例外。在洛杉磯,破產法院的法官不考慮 法拍,因緊急情況下,放棄信用諮詢的要求。原因是,在加州,在...
債務人可以用六十個月悉數償還無擔保債務 讓我們假設你是高於平均收入債務人的。你是單身每年收入60000美元,單身債務人(未婚及沒有受養人)收入高於州平均收入48,000元。您的可支配收入是1,000元。在第13章計劃,提出用破產法允許的最長...
楊清泉-IS-STOCKBROKER-S-FORGIVEABLE-LOAN-BONUS-DISCHARGEABLE-PART-2 The court concluded that Oppenheimer did not establish by a preponderance of evidence that at the ti...
楊清泉-IS-STOCKBROKER-S-FORGIVEABLE-LOAN-BONUS-DISCHARGEABLE-PART-1 You know what a stockbroker is and what he does for a living, right? A stockbroker recommends what s...
楊清泉-OCEAN-VIEW-APARTMENT-NOT-REASONABLY-NECESSARY-FOR-CHAPTER-7-DEBTOR-PART-2 “Plainly the debtor has rented an ocean-view apartment at a premium rental rate. The Court simply ca...
楊清泉-OCEAN-VIEW-APARTMENT-NOT-REASONABLY-NECESSARY-FOR-CHAPTER-7-DEBTOR-PART-1 Schedule J of the bankruptcy petition shows the actual monthly expenses of the debtor. This is diffe...
楊清泉-WHAT-IS-HOUSEHOLD-SIZE-IN-BANKRUPTCY-Part-2 The issue in this case was how to count the children that lived in the debtor’s home. Debtor and his...

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