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  • 電話: (310) 698-0990
  • 營業時間: MON-FRI(8:30-5)
  • 地址: 22760 Hawthorne Blvd., #200 Torrance, CA 90505
  • 網址: www.vgeorgelaw.com
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    專精: 律師-勞工法 標籤: 人體傷害律師 勞工 理賠 勞工法 勞工傷害 勞工律師 勞工法律師 勞工受傷 勞工受傷理賠 勞工理賠 工傷 工作受傷 人體受傷 人體傷害 車禍 車禍傷害 車禍理賠 重大傷亡 意外傷害 性騷擾 性別歧視 年齡歧視 宗教歧視 種族歧視 Labor labor law labor lawyer Lawyer Personal Injury Injury Labor injury Victor l. G eorge Elvis Tran LaborInjury laborlawyer Personal Injury Bodily Injury Catastrophic Injury Wrongful Death Motorcycle Injury Elder Abuse Bad Faith Bicycle Accident Labor and Employment Sexual Harassment Retaliation Age Discrimination Disability Discrimination Gender Discrimination Hostile Workplace Racial Discrimination Religious Discrimination Whistleblower Wrongful Termination Traumatic Brain Injury Products Liability

Elvis Tran is a Partner at the Law Offices of Victor L. George. As recently as November 2016, Mr. Tran second-chaired alongside Mr. George in the jury trial Zisette v. Starline Tours, which resulted in a $26 million jury verdict. Mr. Tran first-chaired the first phase alter-ego bench trial, which resulted in four separate corporations and three individuals to be considered a single unit, “Starline.” In addition, Mr. Tran has handled numerous other matters which have resulted in seven figure verdicts in both the personal injury and employment arenas.

Mr. Tran earned his Bachelor of Arts in 2008 from the University of California, Irvine, where he graduated magna cum laude. During the course of obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree, Mr. Tran interned with the Honorable Tam Nomoto Schumann of the Orange County Superior Court.

Mr. Tran earned his Juris Doctor in 2011 from the University of California, Hastings College of the law. In 2009, Mr. Tran worked for the Honorable Ernest Hiroshige of the Los Angeles Superior Court, Central District, where he gained extensive experience in California state law procedure, law and motion practice, and legal ruling analysis. Mr. Tran later worked with the Honorable Dolly M. Gee of the United States District Court, Central District of California, where he gained extensive experience in federal practice further developing his law and motion practice.
