


林錦源貿易公司 - El Monte
(626) 579-3151
4185 Temple City Blvd., #B, El Monte, CA 91731


推薦名企商家 刊登廣告


點評內容 Reviews

津芳食品 10/29/2024

您好, 我們是在台灣的津芳食品,以生產自有品牌梅花冰手工雪糕為主。 我們的產品是純手工製作,並添加天然的麥芽糖,因此具有獨特的香濃Q滑口感。 更多的資訊請參閱我們的網站如下:https://www.blossomicecreambar.com 我們在尋求海外出口食品代理商、進口商合作,也可協助代工製造。 歡迎與我聯繫 email: info@jinfangfoods.com 謝謝 Based in Taiwan, Jinfang Foods has been proudly manufacturing the Blossom Ice Cream Bar since 2005. Each bar is handmade with care, featuring a unique texture created by the addition of maltose, combined with premium dairy products and fresh ingredients. This craftsmanship and attention to detail set our product apart from others in the market. For more information, please visit our website: [https://www.blossomicecreambar.com/en/]. or contact me via email: info@jinfangfoods.com Thank you.

lenafang 3/1/2023

郑州佳龙食品有限公司 品牌:佳龙 主要生产辣条,面筋制品,魔芋制品和素肉制品等休闲零食,其中鲜笋魔芋是我们的专利产品,我公司产品已远销俄罗斯,智利,柬埔寨,新加坡,韩国,澳大利亚等国家。 公司产品可直接出口欧洲,美国,有美国FDA,HACCP,ISO 认证,大公司审厂 诚邀海外食品代理商,批发商,进口商合作。 联系方式:website:www.jialong-food.com,whatsapp: 0086-13825554467, email: Lena@jialong-food.com

WALA 1/7/2022

您好 我是 株式会社 Y.S.JAPAN 的WALA 在日本大阪拥有自己的仓储中心。 主要经营日货批发贸易(健康食品,化妆品,日化用品,母婴产品,儿童玩具,零食巧克力等),和医药用品,可长期稳定大量供应。欢迎广大客户垂询。 我司常年给国内贸易公司及跨境电商平台供货,货源稳定,且各品类商品均可集装箱发往国内,另提供空运及海运路线的保税物流服务。 如果需要请与我联系。 有打扰,请见谅。 公司网址:http://ysjp.co.jp/ wechat:WALA8103 Mail:y.s.japan3071@gmail.com Hello, this is WALA from Y.S.JAPAN Co., Ltd. Has its own storage center in Osaka, Japan. Mainly engaged in Japanese wholesale trade (health food, cosmetics, daily chemical products, mother and child products, children's toys, snack chocolates, etc.), and Pharmaceutical supplies can be long-term stable supply. Welcome customers to inquire. Our company supplies goods to domestic trading companies and cross-border e-commerce platforms all the year round, the supply of goods is stable, and all kinds of goods can be shipped to China in containers, and provide bonded logistics services for air and sea routes. http://ysjp.co.jp/ Wechat:WALA8103. Mail:y.s.japan3071@gmail.com

louis wang 9/13/2021

Good morning Let me introduce you to the ozone pen first. The ozone pen is a water ozone generator. It is widely used for disinfection and deodorization in daily life. According to research, the number of bacteria in a person's hands is as high as more than 400,000 per day. The ozone pen can effectively kill 99% of bacteria, and the sterilization rate is 600-3000 times higher than other sterilization products to avoid bacterial infection. Applicable occasions: tooth brushing, body cleaning, fruit and vegetable sterilization, raw food preservation, apple redox... etc. One ozone pen = 7,500 bottles of hypochlorite, 1,500 bottles of alcohol and 1,000 bottles of mouthwash. It can be used for about 2000 hours. (No consumables) Currently, it is engaged in the US and Japanese markets. We sincerely invite you to join our agency. If you are interested in negotiating. Please reply to my email Email: zhao.yang@msa.hinet.net what`s app:+886 989086552 wechat:gau5206c Good day

Yaomazi seasoning oil 3/24/2021

负责人您好, 我司是国内调味油知名企业幺麻子食品有限公司,专业生产藤椒油,花椒油,麻椒油,红油系列等各种调味油,拥有全中国最大的藤椒油自动化生产线和工厂。 工厂位于四川省眉山市洪雅县,洪雅素有“藤椒之乡”的美名。 幺麻子是国内藤椒油和花椒油十大品牌之一,藤椒鱼、藤椒钵钵鸡,川菜之名菜,地位可见一斑,堪称调味油中的C位。 除了适用传统的中式烹饪手法之外,藤椒油还可以直接用于火锅,蘸料,凉拌菜,拌面,油炸食品,小吃(凉面、凉粉)等等。 我们还有藤椒火锅底料,干花椒和干藤椒等产品。 如有兴趣,请联系我。 邮箱:aran@yaomazi.com 微信号:crrandy


Kindly allow us to introduce our organization “Tatimche Commodities Co., Ltd" is a Vietnamese exporter Vietnam Agriculture, Grocery, Cosmetic Products & Thailand Fruit Suppliers. QUYEN E-mail: quyenluc@tatimche.com
標籤 Tags (關鍵字)

林錦源貿易公司/KIM NGUAN TRADING CO.專精於食品-零售及批發。林錦源貿易公司/KIM NGUAN TRADING CO.的辦公地址在4185 Temple City Blvd., #B, El Monte, CA, 91731,公司電話是(626) 579-3151,公司營業時間MON-FRI(8:30-5)該商家的關鍵詞包含:紅衣花生 去皮花生 白芝麻 黑芝麻白眉豆 烏豆 黃豆 綠豆 扁豆 紅腰豆 糕粉 冰皮粉 椰子粉香草粉 糯米粉 占米粉 菱粉 保全粉 硼砂 麥芽糖 食品原料 禾豐牌 蓮蓉 豆蓉 豆沙 腰果 欖仁 杏仁 瓜子仁 芝麻 糖檸檬 糖薑 餅家 食品工廠 杏仁 糖冬瓜 白蓮子 核桃 松子仁 廣東食品批發