大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國總領事館 - Los Angeles
- 聯系電話:
- (310) 789-0031
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 2029 Century Park East, #1350, Los Angeles, CA 90067
- 查看地圖
We have had consular representation in Los Angeles since the nineteenth century, and UK ties with the region are deep and extensive. Our work involves handling a wide range of political, commercial, cultural, security and economic interests to the UK and our region.
大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國總領事館/CONSULATE OF BRITISH IN LOS ANGELES專精於領事館和其他外國政府代表處。大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國總領事館/CONSULATE OF BRITISH IN LOS ANGELES的辦公地址在2029 Century Park East, #1350, Los Angeles, CA, 90067,公司電話是(310) 789-0031,公司營業時間MON-FRI(9-4)他們的網站是www.gov.uk/world/usa。該商家的關鍵詞包含:英國總領事館 君主立憲 大英帝國 大不列顛 英吉利