匈牙利領事館 - Los Angeles
- 聯系電話:
- (310) 914-7134
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 11766 Wilshire Blvd., #410, Los Angeles, CA 90025
- 查看地圖
The section on The Hungarian State includes detailed information on the structure of the Hungarian state, the country's constitutional framework and election system as well as about the work and responsibilities of the Prime Minister, the Ministers, the National Assembly and local governments. In addition, it provides an insight into the activities of the institutions that play an important role in the functioning of the state.
匈牙利領事館/CONSULATE GENERAL OF HUNGARY 專精於領事館和其他外國政府代表處。匈牙利領事館/CONSULATE GENERAL OF HUNGARY 的辦公地址在11766 Wilshire Blvd., #410, Los Angeles, CA, 90025,公司電話是(310) 914-7134,公司營業時間MON-THU(8-4:30); FRI(8-2)他們的網站是losangeles.mfa.gov.hu。該商家的關鍵詞包含:東歐 歐盟 北約 奧匈帝國 多瑙河 布達佩斯