柏麗牙科 - Arcadia
- 聯系電話:
- (626) 445-3388
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 815 W. Naomi Ave., #L, Arcadia, CA 91007
- 查看地圖
柏麗牙科 - Temple City
- 聯系電話:
- (626) 247-4788
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 9636 Las Tunas Dr., Temple City, CA 91780
- 查看地圖
共抗COVID-19 疫情,本公司將休診至4/6/2020,若延長休診日期,另行通知。Emergency text 951-961-9332 or 911
杜振軒牙科博士學歷顯赫,不但以優異的成績獲得哥倫比亞大學的牙醫博士,更曾在南加州大學牙科學院任職講師。杜醫生曾多次榮獲美國加州LA, Pasadena等地區“最佳牙醫”稱號。作為一名全面性的家庭牙科醫生,杜醫生更專長於牙齒美容,亦擔任為Invisalign 矯正治療首選牙科醫生。杜醫生也被多次邀請到各大電視臺擔任訪問節目嘉賓并提供觀眾一些牙齒美容及護理的寶貴經驗和心得。
柏麗牙科榮獲全美年度最佳牙科診所設計大獎。這個國際比賽是由美國牙醫協會和富國銀行舉辦。在經過牙科行業專家組成的團隊的專業判斷下,柏麗牙科被評選為擁有卓越的診所設計,配合最先進的牙科設備及儀器,一直為大家提供最優秀的牙齒護理。柏麗牙科不但在全美共40所合資格的牙科診所激烈競爭中脫穎而出, 而且作為加州第一個獲得此獎的牙科診所, 實在是實至名歸。而創辦人杜振軒牙科博士更是全美首位華人牙科醫師獲頒發此殊榮。贊助商富國銀行更特別授予杜醫生傑出成就獎獎杯以及獎金。
DR. ERIC TO is a general dentist who provides exceptional comprehensive dental care to his patients. Although his expertise is in cosmetic makeover, he also enjoys practicing general and family dentistry. Dr. To enjoys work that require artistry and creativity. Smile makeovers, whether created with veneers, crowns, bridges, or dentures, are aesthetically stimulating to him.
Dr. To obtained his doctorate from Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, graduating from the top 10% of his class. He then completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at USC School of Dentistry. He also served as a preclinical instructor at USC.
Dr. To is a Preferred Provider for invisalign® and he keeps up with constant changes in dentistry by attending continuing education courses for innovative techniques and materials.
Dr. To was awarded the Pasadena Top Dentist; American’s Top Dentist; Los Angeles Top Dentist Award in various years. Dr. To was also featured on the FOX 11 Los Angeles Television’s Dr. Oz show for his awards.
柏麗牙科/PARKLANE DENTAL專精於牙科醫生。柏麗牙科/PARKLANE DENTAL有2家分公司。他們的網站是www.parklanedental.net。該商家的關鍵詞包含:一般牙科 牙齒美容 牙科醫生