創越醫學美容中心─劉憲宗醫師 - Beverly Hills
- 聯系電話:
- (310) 855-3960
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 400 N. Crescent Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
減肥,微整型,青春痘門診,雷射除毛,脈衝光去斑、免開刀治療靜脈曲張注射,無痛維納斯拉皮、雷射去毛、radiesse ,肉毒稈菌、溶脂針、玻尿酸、果酸煥膚
Dr. Liu’s advanced surgical skills not only reflect his background as an artist, but also integrate the artistry of aesthetic surgery, the fundamental surgical principles of reconstructive surgery, and the delicate and precise nature of microsurgery. It takes a combination of multiple skills to be a good plastic surgeon. His skills incorporate multiple disciplines and integrate them into his patients’ journeys of transformation and rejuvenation. With a special interest in Chinese painting, where balance and harmony stages all the elements of a painting, Dr. Liu understands this philosophy and utilizes it to produce more natural results.
During his 10 years of advanced training to become a cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, he has trained with world-renowned surgeons in multiple disciplines across the United States and in Asia. These include, but are not limited to, advanced microsurgery, head and neck reconstruction, and breast rejuvenation/reconstruction from Dr. Fu-Chan Wei in Taiwan and Dr. Robert Allen in New Orleans. He also trained under Dr. Gustavo Colon, a preeminent aesthetic surgeon and former president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in New Orleans. Currently, Dr. Liu is in private practice in sunny Los Angeles, CA.
創越醫學美容中心─劉憲宗醫師/AVANT AESTHETCS - DR. PERRY LIU專精於醫學美容及整形外科。創越醫學美容中心─劉憲宗醫師/AVANT AESTHETCS - DR. PERRY LIU的辦公地址在400 N. Crescent Dr., Beverly Hills, CA, 90210,公司電話是(310) 855-3960,公司營業時間MON-FRI(9-5)他們的網站是www.cliovana.com/clinic/avant-aesthetics。該商家的關鍵詞包含:Avant 整形中心 整形外科 整容中心 美容整型 醫學美容 醫學美容中心 創越醫學美容 創越醫學美容中心 劉憲宗醫師 劉憲宗 醫美