嚴安皮膚專科醫師 - Sacramento
- 聯系電話:
- (916) 925-7020
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 1495 River Park Dr., #200, Sacramento, CA 95815
- 查看地圖
醫學美容 皮膚老化 換膚 磨皮 肉毒桿菌 玻尿痠 皺紋 青春痘 痘疤 皮膚過敏 皮膚癌 落髮 指甲
With over 30+ years of providing medical care to patients, conducting research, and teaching, Dr. An Yen is a highly regarded dermatologist. Dr. Yen splits his time between teaching resident physicians, leading a charity for International Medical Education and practicing Dermatology. He retired from University of California Davis as a part-time staff member and Clinical Professor in 2018.
嚴安皮膚專科醫師/YEN, AN, M.D.專精於皮膚科。嚴安皮膚專科醫師/YEN, AN, M.D.的辦公地址在1495 River Park Dr., #200, Sacramento, CA, 95815,公司電話是(916) 925-7020,公司營業時間TUE,WED(3:30PM-7PM)他們的網站是www.capitalskin.com。