


蔡鈺卿地產經紀 - Cupertino
(408) 828-6883
10991 N. De Anza Blvd., #A, Cupertino, CA 95014


推薦名企商家 刊登廣告


ERINNA TSAI 讓您買得安心‧賣得開心‧專業又敬業

最近灣區房屋及貸款市場逐漸熱絡,許多買家賣家都在詢問何時該進場買,賣及重新貸款?擁有十多年豐富專業的地產及貸款經驗,Erinna (蔡鈺卿)是您能信任的優秀全職地產及貸款經紀。

Erinna 提供專業精準市場分析規劃,誠信周到的態度,為客戶在買賣時爭取到最佳價格及利息。此外,Erinna 對室內設計深有愛好並取得任證,為您提供多項免費服務及室內設計諮詢。

十多年來成功的經驗,Erinna 依客戶所需,想客戶所要,一站式的服務,讓您買得安心,賣得開心,最低的利率提供貸款,獲得極佳口碑。詳細資料,請上網參閱:www.Erinna.com。


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點評內容 Reviews

julian 8/25/2012

look for a good agent to buy home

Daisy 8/13/2012

I sent several offers for house purchase during multiple offer season but failed. My friend gave me Erinna's phone and she is so nice to show me how to make my offer strong & outstanding. I finally bought a nice house I like within my budget!Thank you!

Eddy 7/3/2012

Through whole transaction for house selling & buying, Erinna did great service for my case. We built trust together and she directed me to right area for my family based on my budget. We like her very much and thanks all effort she did. Great agent!

Kim 4/7/2012

I got the lowest rate from Erinna! My friend told me Erinna is a good loan agent and did give her best rate. During this period to work with Erinna, she is so patient to follow my case and taught me a lot. She helps me got the lower rate! Thank you!

Nancy 2/29/2012

My friend told me Erinna helps her a lot for refinance. So, I called her and mentioned the trouble I met for previous refi. She listened and work hard for my case. Now, I have closed it and got the lowest rate from her for 30yrs Fix. She is good!!

Traimena 1/25/2012

I don't have much money to buy a house but a small condo less than $200K. The first agent didn't follow up my case. After I worked with Erinna, she did respect my case and showed me how to do. I have my own condo now even it is smaller one. Thank you!

Annie 1/11/2012

I focus on short sale house due to I don't have much saving. The lst agent I worked not care of my case due to small amount. But, Erinna did follow all details and track back with short sale agent after offer sent. I have a house. She did help me a lot

Spencer 12/27/2011

Good job, Erinna. Thank you to help us move into a nice home before New Year. She is very details to lead us what to do for our case. Very good service for all procedures and provided the best rate for my loan. I'm happy to know her. Best!

Omar 12/24/2011

She did good job to sell my house with good price during slow market and also help us buy a nice home we like. Now, we can move in a big house before holiday. We all rely on her and feel very confident to all work she did to us. Thank you, Erinna!

Nick A. 12/22/2011

She is an patience and knowledgeable real estate agent. She works with us for more than a year but never push us to buy anything we hesitate to buy. She also help us find few contractors to fix/remodel the bathroom/kitchen. Would recommend to friends.

Bob 6/4/2011

Good experience to work with Erinna. She did very good work for my case and handled all details for me. Let me feel comfortable and no worry during transaction. Very good negotiator for final sold price! I will keep her in mind for my next case!

Cindy 5/6/2011

She did good job to me! My all family likes her very much! She always stands at my side to provide her suggestion and don't push me to buy! I learn a lot from her and avoid any wrong decision to make. Really happy to work with her! Thank you!

Jason 4/30/2011

She is pretty good! I am lucky to know her! I did test her patient for any question I had. She was so nice to explain many times no matter it is stupid question at that time. Very knowledgeable in real estate & mortgage rate. I had good deal!

Yinet 2/19/2011

I am from Taiwan and plan to buy a house for my son who is working in Bay area. My friend recommends Erinna to me! After work with her, I like to recommend her to you too if you are thinking to buy, sell or doing loan. Erinna is the person I can trust!

Judy 2/16/2011

My friend recommended Erinna to me. She did help me a lot for selling my townhouse and bought a good single house to me. She is a good negotiator and very experience to do all work for my both cases. Very good agent with full service! Thanks Erinna!

Jimmy 2/12/2011

Great experience to work with Erinna. She is really SUPER! She answered all my questions and help me every step during transaction.She never push me to buy just explained to me good & bad side for me consideration. I got a lowest rate from her.Thank you!

John 2/5/2011

She handles my case very details! Help me sold & bought a house for my family. For my loan, she taught me how to prepare all documents & explain letter with patient. She is very knowledgeable in real estate & mortgage field. I am happy to work with her!

Wang 2/1/2011

The agent I worked seldom picked phone. But, Erinna is totally different! She always answers phone & my question. She checks sold record & house history for property I like. Help me get a good price for house buying. It's happy to work together!

Richard 1/30/2011

If you are looking for a good agent, I like to recommend Erinna to you! She is very knowledgeable & responsible to handle my case. I'm picky for my house purchasing but she helps and explians the right direction to me. I am very happy to work with her!

Janice 1/27/2011

Erinna helps me for buying & selling both. She did very good service for my case! Lots of thanks from me & my family and I like to recommend her to be your next agent. And, she also found good interest rate for my house. Thank you, Erinna.
標籤 Tags (關鍵字)

蔡鈺卿地產經紀/MAXREAL PROPERTY - ERINNA TSAI專精於房地產經紀,地產管理。蔡鈺卿地產經紀/MAXREAL PROPERTY - ERINNA TSAI的辦公地址在10991 N. De Anza Blvd., #A, Cupertino, CA, 95014,公司電話是(408) 828-6883他們的網站是www.erinna.com。該商家的關鍵詞包含:買房屋 賣房屋 買賣房屋 房屋貸款 房屋出租 銀行屋 法拍屋 地產投資 室內設計