優駛駕校 - West Covina
- 聯系電話:
- (626) 472-6070
- 營業時間:
- 詳細地址:
- 703 S. Glendora Ave., #A, West Covina, CA 91790
- 查看地圖
橙縣駕駛學校,歡迎喜瑞都Cerriots、長堤Long Beach、富樂頓Fullerton、安那漢Anaheim、橙縣Orange人士參觀比較
Our primary goal focuses on helping students become responsible drivers, able to manage the risk of driving. We believe in learning to drive to have a better life. U-DRIVE Driving School has been providing quality driving education in the San Gabriel Valley for over 20 years. Communities improve safety on their streets when good drivers travel their roads. U-DRIVE Driving School selects top quality experienced instructors to teach defensive driver techniques, resulting in good drivers on the road and improved safety for all. U-DRIVE Driving School strives for road safety, keeping teens and mature drivers safe on the road.
優駛駕校/U-DRIVING DRIVING SCHOOL專精於駕駛學校。優駛駕校/U-DRIVING DRIVING SCHOOL的辦公地址在703 S. Glendora Ave., #A, West Covina, CA, 91790,公司電話是(626) 472-6070,公司營業時間MON-FRI(8-5); SAT(9-2)他們的網站是udrivewestcovina.com 。