1. 美国宪法第四修正案:保证民众享有免受政府无理搜查及没收的权利 a. 针对政府执法人员,雇主,房东,保安 b. 是否有隐私的期望:垃圾箱V。洗水间的摄相头 c. 住家车道上的汽车:可以一目了然看到里面 d. GPS 跟踪器,需要申请搜查令 e. 手机记录:需要申请搜查令 2. 警察执法的两个标准 a. 拘留盘查Detain v. 逮捕arrest: Booking b. 合理怀疑Reasonable suspicion:可以盘查,可拍触武器 c. 相当理由 Proable cause:51% 可能性,可以逮捕或搜查,有时需 要向法官申请 3. 警察非法搜查的后果会怎么样? a. 排除原理:不能作为呈堂证据 b. 目的是鼓励警察依法办案 c. 检方依然可以用其它证据起诉 d. 检方仍可以用非法证据来挑战可信度 e. 毒树之果:非法证据引发的其它证据也可算非法证据 4. 警察如何申请搜查令? a. 向值班的法官提供相当理由声明 i. 线民,已证实可信度高 ii. 线民:自白并供出其它共犯 iii. 线民所提供的线索有部份已被警方查证属实 iv. 刑案受害人或证人的证词 b. 诚意GOOD FAITH, 即使不同样犯罪证据,搜查结果仍合法 c. 提供具体的搜查范围 d. 提供具体被搜查的目标对象 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鄧洪律師事務所 (626)280-6000 全力以赴,據理力爭! 最佳的中美刑辯律師陣容. 最強的傷亡理賠律師團隊 擁有二十二年歷史的鄧洪律師事務所是目前全美最具规模的華人律師事務所之一,與ALDER LAW傷亡理賠律師事務所等多家全美知名傷亡事故理賠律師事務所組成策略聯盟,并聘請世界知名的現場重建專家李昌鈺博士作為專家證人,向全美提供全美聯邦刑案,加州刑案以及全美重大傷亡事故理賠業務相關的專業法律服務。 鄧洪律師事務所官方網站: http://www.denglaw.com 鄧洪律師事務所: https://fb.me/DenglawCenter 鄧洪律師事務所官方推特網: https://twitter.com/DenglawCenter

wa3239021 10/29/2021

During the second half year of 2019, unexpected pandemic which was caused by a coronavirus attacked the earth, infecting 230 million people,according to the WHO data, taking 4.7 millions' life. The virus looks like the corona under the microscope of scientists,hence the name coronavirus. Coronavirus is widespread in the nature, and most of it are harmless. But COVID-19, also knonwn as SARS-Cov-II, is the third type of coronavirus bringing disasters to human being. The first one is SARS, and the second one is MERS. The old are major dead victims of COVID-19 and they mainly die of loss of lung function and complications caused by Hypoxemia etc, leaving people in the first widespread pandemic in the century since 1918 Spanish flu. Unfortunately, the whole world can't unite to fight against COVID-19 but find ourselves in the mire of blame and vituperation. What happened since the outbreak of COVID-19 was just like what was predicted in Event 201 organized by CDC and CIA in 18th October 2019, rummor predominated the Internet and every corner of the society, making people impossible to tell the truth from the lies. For instance, wikipedia even created an account for "COVID-19 misinformation", containing rumors including "the virus was leaked from Chinese lab", "5G mobile network mutated the virus", "virus was brought by meteor", "the virus was leaked from Canadian lab". At the same time, the spokemen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC repetedly put the blame on the biological and chemical weapon research isntutions (Fort Detrick )of USA and professor Baric who is also named as the father of COVID-19. This is the reason why the leaders and scientists are so caustions when talking about the orgin of COVID-19.
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