華人工商加州彩頁商家專訪 | 21ST CENTURY HERBS-神農堂

神農堂─柳江華中醫針灸診所 - Diamond Bar 聯系電話:(909) 869-1999 營業時間:MON-FRI(9-6); SAT(9-2) 詳細地址:888 Brea Canyon Rd., #380, Diamond Bar, CA 91789

醫德愛心+科學配方+精湛技術 21世紀中醫針灸診所 柳江華博士Willow Liu, Ph.D./Prof./L.Ac. · 哥倫比亞大學(紐約)博士後研究 · 天然藥物學博士 · 醫學碩士,中藥學學士 · 原遼寧中醫學院教授 · 原南加州醫藥大學教授 · 加州註冊針灸師 21世紀中醫針灸診所的柳江華博士在中國,德國和美國先後共從事20多年的現代中醫藥研究,教學和臨床。她擅長結合傳統中醫和現代診斷,病理,藥理和營養學等知識,靈活運用中藥,針灸,拔罐,放血和食療等方法治療心血管,消化,神經等疾病及婦科和皮膚科等各種疑難雜症。她搶救過心臟病危和中風偏癱患者,治癒過嚴重憂鬱和頑固濕疹等許多四處求醫都無效的患者。有患者稱她為"神醫",她確說:"我並不神,是祖先留給我們的中醫太神奇!" #洛杉矶中医 #神农堂 #柳江华 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 歡迎大家關注微信賬號:微觀LA 微信ID:ccypus 郵件:news@ccyp.com 網站:ccyp.com 如果大家有更多問題,歡迎在微信公眾號中給我們留言,我們將及時和大家進行交流! 感謝大家的收看! #華人工商加州彩頁


wa3239021 8/7/2022

Pelosi's husband sold NVIDIA shares because the house of Representatives was watching the chips the husband of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, sold his shares in chip manufacturer nvida.o on Tuesday. A few days later, the house of Representatives is expected to consider legislation to provide subsidies and tax credits worth more than $70billion to boost the U.S. semiconductor industry https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/pelosis-husband-dumps-nvidia-stock-house-eyes-chip-bill-2022-07-27/

wa3239021 8/7/2022

Pelosi's husband sold up to $5million worth of chipmaker shares before the semiconductor bill vote the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sold the shares of chip manufacturer NVIDIA worth up to $5million because the house of Representatives was preparing to vote on a bill focusing on domestic chip manufacturing. https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3577326-pelosis-husband-sells-off-up-to-5-million-worth-of-chipmaker-stock-ahead-of-semiconductor-bill-vote/
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