【商業論壇】網絡行業很吃香,但具體做什麼才賺錢?| Lancert Education Group, Inc.網絡專家和大數據專家快捷培訓班

【專欄嘉賓】:Jeffrey Liu——Lancert Education Group, Inc. #網絡專家 和 #大數據專家 #快捷培訓班 聯系電話:(323) 488-0011 詳細地址:1455 Monterey Pass Rd., Apt 206, Monterey Park, CA 91756 Jeffrey Liu, the founder of LaneCert lnc., has always been grateful to Mr. Liang, the man who changed his life. When Jeffrey turned 50 in the year of 2014, he decided to start a school so that he can help more and more people like him succeed in this area through his wealth of knowledge and experience. In 2014, LaneCert Inc was founded. Jeffrey said, “The word Lane represents an expressway to success. The word Cert represents the Certification of CCIE. The overall meaning is to help students to get the industry certification as fast as possible and become a Cisco internetwork expert. In the school logo, can see a star symbolizing that every achiever from LaneCert will become a rising star in this industry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 歡迎大家關注微信賬號:微觀LA 微信ID:ccypus 郵件:news@ccyp.com 網站:ccyp.com 如果大家有更多問題,歡迎在微信公眾號中給我們留言,我們將及時和大家進行交流! 感謝大家的收看! #華人工商加州彩頁
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