【2021健保缐上説明會--保險買對不買貴】 📣八大精彩話題: 1. 2021個人家庭健保趨勢概覽及重要日期提醒 2. 健康保險與移民身份 3. 不要輕易續保! 4. 公司團體健保vs 加州全保 5. 保費補助和家庭收入究竟如何計算?! 6. 健康需求和保險選擇 7. 保費和實際口袋負擔 8. 買保險方式和時間 📣報名鏈接:http://bit.ly/KCALHealthOE1107 📣2020年進入尾聲,也進入了規劃2021年健康保險的重要時期!在全球新冠疫情籠罩下,明年的健康保險,對每個人尤爲重要。維持無保險罰款政策,加州2021年健保市場,重點字是:變!保費變化大,政府補助變化大,福利内容也在變;同時由於疫情下家家戶戶的收入都經歷的不小的變化,如何獲得最優的保費,最好的福利? 📣2021年健康保險有幾大特點:首先,無健康保險的民眾依然將會在來年報稅時面臨高額罰款制;其次,加州政府延續了低門檻的保費補助標準,令很多中產收入家庭也能享受保費補助。符合條件的民眾甚至能享受到每人$1/月的保費!再者,2021年健保市場計劃繁多,各保險公司漲幅不一,如果您的續保價格僅是持平甚至稍微上漲,可以通過比價、轉換計劃,升級福利或者節省更多的保費。 📣健保首選華興保險,在11月1日開放投保前,匯總最全面、最權威資訊,舉辦線上健保説明,教你保險買對不買貴!八大主題,涉及健保與收入、移民身份、醫療福利、實際花費、申請技巧等方方面面。本週六11月7日上午10點,由資深健保規劃師Anna Gao為民眾一一講解


#美國健保 #華興保險 #健康保險 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✔️歡迎大家關注微信賬號:微觀LA 🟢微信ID:ccypus 📧郵件:news@ccyp.com 💻網站:ccyp.com 如果大家有更多問題,歡迎在微信公眾號中給我們留言,我們將及時和大家進行交流! 感謝大家的收看!

wa3239021 11/3/2021

Rummors and truth of COVID-19 During the second half year of 2019, unexpected pandemic which was caused by a coronavirus attacked the earth, infecting 230 million people,according to the WHO data, taking 4.7 millions' life. The virus looks like the corona under the microscope of scientists,hence the name coronavirus. Coronavirus is widespread in the nature, and most of it are harmless. But COVID-19, also knonwn as SARS-Cov-II, is the third type of coronavirus bringing disasters to human being. The first one is SARS, and the second one is MERS. The old are major dead victims of COVID-19 and they mainly die of loss of lung function and complications caused by Hypoxemia etc, leaving people in the first widespread pandemic in the century since 1918 Spanish flu. Unfortunately, the whole world can't unite to fight against COVID-19 but find ourselves in the mire of blame and vituperation. What happened since the outbreak of COVID-19 was just like what was predicted in Event 201 organized by CDC and CIA in 18th October 2019, rummor predominated the Internet and every corner of the society, making people impossible to tell the truth from the lies. For instance, wikipedia even created an account for "COVID-19 misinformation", containing rumors including "the virus was leaked from Chinese lab", "5G mobile network mutated the virus", "virus was brought by meteor", "the virus was leaked from Canadian lab". At the same time, the spokemen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC repetedly put the blame on the biological and chemical weapon research isntutions (Fort Detrick )of USA and professor Baric who is also named as the father of COVID-19. This is the reason why the leaders and scientists are so caustions when talking about the orgin of COVID-19.
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