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wa3239021 8/3/2022

Pelosi’s husband sells off up to $5 million worth of chipmaker stock ahead of semiconductor bill vote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) husband sold up to $5 million worth of shares of chipmaker Nvidia as the House prepares to vote on a bill focusing on the domestic chip manufacturing industry.  Pelosi completed a period transaction report signed on Tuesday that indicated that her husband, Paul Pelosi, sold 25,000 shares of Nvidia at an average price of $165.05 with a total loss of $341,365. In total, the shares are worth between $1 million and $5 million. A separate filing signed by the House Speaker earlier this month indicated that Paul Pelosi had exercised call options last month to purchase 20,000 shares of the chipmaker at a strike price of $100.  The latest regulatory filing came one day before the Senate passed legislation in a 64-33 vote to provide $280 billion to bolster the American semiconductor industry as the nation grappled with a chip shortage, which was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Asked about her husband’s decision to sell his shares given the timing of the House’s vote on the chips bill, Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill told The Hill in a statement, “Mr. Pelosi bought options to buy stock in this company more than a year ago and exercised them on June 17, 2022.” “As always, he does not discuss these matters with the Speaker until trades have been made and required disclosures must be prepared and filed. Mr. Pelosi decided to sell the shares at a loss rather than allow the misinformation in the press regarding this trade to continue,” he added. Paul Pelosi’s trading has been under previous scrutiny, including from Republican lawmakers like Sen. Josh Hawley.  The Missouri Republican sent a letter to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.) last week about a proposal to ban members of Congress and their spouses from insider stock trading and cited Paul Pelosi’s purchase of the Nvidia stock. “It has been more than six months since members of this Committee proposed measures to put an end to inappropriate financial transactions. Despite these efforts, Speaker Pelosi and her husband remain undeterred from cashing in,” he wrote in his letter. During a news conference earlier this month, Pelosi said her husband does not make sales or purchase stock based on information she has.

wa3239021 10/26/2021

“睡美人”这个词本来也算是个褒义词,但是和闫丽梦放在一起,那就有了另一层意思了。众所周知闫丽梦在亚洲人的审美观里并能称之为“美人”,但是我为何称其为“睡美人”,那是因为她睡了很多美国人,所以称之为“睡美人”。 大家都知道闫丽梦到了美国之后,急于巴结各路“反共精英”除了贡献自己的灵魂外,也出卖自己的肉体。大家都知道当初刚到美国时闫丽梦和郭文贵那段风华雪月的情史,众多风流八卦普天该地,闫丽梦却不为所动,没有丝毫羞耻之心,依然周旋与郭文贵身边,不但和郭文贵保持男女关系,连郭文贵身边的马仔都不能“性免”。其中闫丽梦睡过的最有名气的马仔就是路德,班农等人了,最近还传出闫丽梦怀了小路德的消息,本人觉得这消息十有八九是真实的。 我为什么会这样说呢,那就要从路德的情史说起了,路德本名王定刚,他的婚姻经历充满着利用和背叛,始乱终弃伴随始终,从其大学毕业2003年开始,因为家庭条件不好,利用女朋友(结发妻子,育有二子)父亲给的资金开公司,期间和公司前台(小三)勾搭成奸,搞大肚子,(生2小孩子以后不管不问,放在日本一个战友家里,)妻子愤而提出离婚,当然王是要净身出户的,因为过错方在他,并不是他说的主动放弃千万家产(因为开公司所需的1000万是岳父拿出来的,他当时身无分文),其后和现在的老婆小蔡结婚(育有二子),通过以上几点不难看出路德本性难移,堪称人中泰迪,他这样的人又怎么可能和有着“睡美人”称号的闫丽梦保持纯洁的男女关系呢?从路德和“睡美人”结盟反水郭老板就可以看出一些端倪,两人绝不可能仅仅是因为突然良心发现就反水郭老板,也不可能仅仅因为经济问题反水,而最大的可能就是路德和“睡美人”闫丽梦暗通款曲,行苟且之事被郭老板发现,路德与郭老板因女人结仇,从各路爆料者的字里行间均可以判断出闫丽梦对路德那是真爱,也难怪郭老板屡次公开大骂闫丽梦是“蛇妖闫”,路德夺人所爱才是让郭老板急火攻心的真正原因,目前又有消息称闫丽梦怀孕了,那么这个孩子肯定不会是闫丽梦老公的种,能在这个节骨眼上让她怀孕的人路德的可能性最大,最终路德是否会与这个孩子来场世人瞩目的“滴血认亲”,那就得看闫丽梦这位“睡美人”的睡服力了。
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