Wills generally decide generally “Who gets what.” These include questions like: Who gets the yacht? Who gets the cars? Who gets the family business? 

Yet, it sometimes happens that a person "unduly influences" another person to change his/her will in order to be its sole beneficiary. 

In this explainer video, a stepmother manipulates her husband to leave his only child out of his will. Though this is rare, there are many realistic variations of this scenario where a person gives undue influence on another person’s will. When this happens, the will can be contested as invalid. 

Losing a loved one is a difficult time in anyone’s life, let alone the challenges inherent in figuring out what to do with (or how to obtain) the person’s property left behind. Sometimes the process can go smoothly, as in the case when a deceased person set up a clear will. Other times, the process isn’t so smooth, as this video shows. 

For more information on celebrity wills, estates, and disputes, see our blog post: https://www.castletonlaw.com/blog/eng... 

If you have any questions, leave comments below! We will regularly post animated videos on various legal topics. 

Visit our website: www.castletonlaw.com 

About us: Castleton Law Group was founded in 1986 and is located in Southern California. We specialize in civil, divorce, business, and probate litigation, and we have helped thousands of clients over the past 34 years. If you need legal counsel or would like information on our legal services, please contact us! 

DISCLAIMER: The events depicted in the video are fictitious and the results shown are not guaranteed.
(626) 810-9300


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